
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

When a fellow mythical beast turned me onto the Fabulous Bentley Brothers, I was completely blown away. After watching every video on both of Rhett and Link's channels, then scouring the vaults of their website, I was certain that I had seen it all. Then, from out of nowhere, here come a bevy of videos featuring our very own neighborhood superheroes, sporting mountainous wigs and decked out in silver suits, playing and singing some of the catchiest ditties they ever wrote! So my question is -- why did we never hear about any of this? Where are the Bentley Vlogs? Why was nothing (to my knowledge, correct me if I'm wrong) ever mentioned about this brilliant musical addition to the Rhett and Link catalog? I'm quite mystified. I frankly never would have had the slightest idea they ever existed had it not been for my stumbling across a beast's post about them completely by accident. After checking out these videos, I did a little research on the background of the Bentleys, and found, to my surprise and great joy, that they are in fact characters on a Internet children's show called "Jelly Telly", created by none other than Phil Vischer, mastermind behind Veggietales! As a big veggiefan, for me this seemed like a match made in heaven. It also raised the question in my mind -- is it possible Rhett and Link have kept their collaboration with Jelly Telly a little hush hush on account of its being an overtly Christian program? I honestly had never been sure whether or not they consider themselves to be Christian (though I had suspected it) until I heard their Bible songs. It has always seemed to me that Rhett and Link have downplayed their Christianity to an extent -- perhaps in a desire not to alienate some of their audience? I'd just really like to have some of this cleared up for sake of curiosity, but also -- I want more Bentleys! And I'd like to see them featured in a Vlog! They're really some of Rhett and Link's coolest characters, and their songs are some of the catchiest they've written.

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Well, I think part of it has to do with the fact that this is their career--making a profit from producing internet content. Here, they promote the content that they create specifically for a profit. The Jelly Telly stuff was not specifically created for profit, in my eyes. Being that it was made with a totally different intent, I could see why they wouldn't want to promote it. I hope that makes sense... ?

Also note that sometimes the best witness is made without using words. :)
The Dancing Bear, you took the words right out of my mouth. I stumbled upon that question not to long ago, also. I'm just going to let Rhett and Link answer that for us because i don't want to make any assumptions to early :)
Brother Bob, I just responded to a similar question that might help you understand why you haven't seen that particular work on our site. Thanks!


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