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So, there's this guy he's like 15 and I'm 18. He keeps messaging me on facebook and it's getting really annoying. I want to tell him to quit bugging me, but theres a twist to it. He's my kid brother's best friend, and he has some mental disorder. He was born with lime half a brain or something like that. He's a really nice guy, but he's been losing a lot of friends lately because they don't understand him. How can I get him to stop bothering me, but still continue being his friend?

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Oh, that brings up another thing... I only met this kid like 3 weeks ago. But I guess I'll give it a try. Thank you! If anyone else ha any suggestions, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO COMMENT!! Thank you! :)

Fasih Khatib(AngryMonkey) said:
Tell him you are his ELDER SISTER and you love him as a kid brother. :) Problem Solved!
Okay, so I was on Facebook last night and as soon as I logged on, KABLAMO! He was right there attacking me with messages. I told him that I was busy and didn't have time to chat (which was true, by the way, I had some business I had to take care of before I move). So he asked me if I could get on later or how about tomorrow or when can I talk to you the soonest or you should just call me, etc. So, I told him that, since I'm moving in like 3 days, that I didn't really have time to get on facebook and such and that I didn't really deem it appropriate for me to call my kid brother's friend just to "talk" ( whatever that means). Then he started asking me "well when you move, can you see if you can get on facebook just for me?" um no dude. You're way too young for me. Besides that the only thing I really know about you is your first name. This kid just doesn't want to take the hint that I don't want to talk to him! So, I went to my kid brother about it and he said that his friend is kind of obsessive compulsive and that whenever he meets new people, especially girls, he has to learn everything about them as soon as he can. Hmmmmm.... CREEPY! So, next time I get on the computer, I'm probably just going to delete him from my friend's list. But I guess for now I'll just ignore him. Is that right? Post a comment, let me know what you think. And thanks for the advice you mythical beasts have shared already! 

Fasih Khatib(AngryMonkey) said:
do let me know what happened :)


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