
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

As you probably know, GMM got a new update today. Based on the comment section of the new (main) GMM episode, a lot of mythical beasts didn't like it. There were a lot of complaints about the lighting, faster pacing, poor sound quality, and the extra segments being separate, for example.

But I know the Kommunity is home to the most-dedicated fans, and I'm curious if the opinion here is different. So, what's your view of the new GMM?

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Um, I like it.  A lot.

I like the different segments.  They're not all going to be awesome, and that's ok.  Most of them will likely be pretty good.  To be honest, I'm not here for the subject matter usually, I just like Rhett and Link.  So as long as they are there, I'm probably going to enjoy it. 

I like that they are separate videos, so that they are easy to share and easy to watch individually in the event I don't have time to watch the whole thing at once.

I never even noticed anything weird or off about the lighting.  I keep seeing people mention it, but I'm not sure what they don't like about it.

I love the new set.  I think it's a perfect mix of new and familiar.  And it looks really cool.

I do think we saw some nerves on the first day, and that's completely forgivable, c'mon.

I do think certain parts felt a little hurried, and again that could be nerves, but it might also be editing.

I do think that the second day was better.  And I'm even more encouraged about the new format.  I think it's going to keep getting better and better.

My only real gripe is that somehow they don't want to play in order for me.  This has happened both days now, where the autoplay didn't put them in the right order.  So if they can get that sorted out, I'm a happy happy camper.  (Sorry Rhett, hehe.) :D

I did wonder if the pacing was due to editing. Maybe YouTube (since it’s apparently an original now) wanted the show to be a certain length and the editor had to cut it short because of that. Or maybe they were just in a hurry to get everything in and show the potentials of this new format. Whatever the case, though, hopefully they can get the show back to a not-so-rushed pace!

It's only two days in, so I want to give it a chance, but the whole thing does feel overproduced and the editing is a big part of that. It feels less off the cuff, whether it is or not, because you're not getting the whole cut. Also, is it just me or do the colours seem super saturated? Maybe it is because the lighting has changed. The lighting is way more aesthetically pleasing but that only serves to make it seem more inauthentic. Honestly, if there was a direction I wanted to see the show head into it was the less professional and more just two friends talking and doing random things. I'm guessing the Youtube stats suggested differently though. Possibly they saw a drop-off of views after the 5 minute mark and that's why they're making more videos but shorter and unfortunately a consequence of that is they need to add in jump-cuts. It's a shame. 

Yeah, there was something special about the show when the two of them were behind a card table talking about whatever came to mind. No gimmicks. No crazy stunts. Just the two of them having fun and interacting with the MBs. Still, they're also business owners who strive to try new things and improve their content. If they could make it 100% professional, they probably would. But there's still something to be said for that slight YouTube-videos-aren't-perfect feeling, ya know?

Though I do see the lighting problems that people have mentioned, and there is a bit of rushed feel to the segments, I don't think the new format deserves the level of anger that seems to be among many of the Mythical Beasts.  I like to keep up with their daily subscriber count just to see how people are responding to different days of content.  Ever since the Good Mythical Summer segments, there have been daily subscriber drop-offs from 5:00 am to about 9:00 am every day where some Mythical Beasts have been voicing their displeasure.  Based on it being a daily occurrence and the fact that their overall numbers were still going up, I think these same people were unsubscribing and resubscribing so they could do it again the next day.  However, Good Mythical Morning lost 2,612 subscribers overall yesterday, and they have already lost another 6,000 or so today so far.  Since we are getting all of this content for free, I don't understand how so many of the Mythical Beasts can be so intolerant to change and unwilling to give it a chance to grow and improve.  Rhett & Link have always responded to the requests of their community.  They have already said they will address the issues tomorrow in Good Mythical More.  If people in my actual life responded to me this way whenever I made any changes, I would curl up in a ball and cry!  They are real people with families, and employees to support.  With the ad-apocalypse going on in Youtube, they are trying all avenues they can to survive and thrive.  Wouldn't we do the same in their situation?  Sorry to vent, but the whole thing just makes me sad.

I've only watched a few of the... episodes? Subepisodes...? so far. I'm not sure how I feel about it but I'll give it a chance. I'll just say I'm glad they are still willing to take risks with their content, even if it doesn't work out. 

Rhett and Link's awaited response to people's feedback came today in today's GMMore episode: https://youtu.be/3dZxjSNp8rM

At the start of this week, the only things that really bothered me were the technical issues of color correction/lighting and the audio sounding more distant. I mean, they really looked like lifeless clay people under that original coloration, haha. Today, it's very on the magenta side, but I'll take that over green/yellow any day. :P

The content still feels on-brand to me. People have said it feels more scripted, particularly in Monday's Instagram segment, but there have often been pre-planned aspects to the shows, particularly during the quizzes when Rhett or Link crack pre-made jokes. So I wasn't particularly surprised or bothered by that.

In today's GMMore video, they addressed big points about the lighting/color, audio, the format of splitting videos, pacing, and things seeming generally "off" in terms of content or vibe. I'm personally satisfied with the way they responded to things by thoughtfully delving into each topic. I wish they'd had time prior to publishing the new show to do more experimentation with the format & equipment in order to "dial in," as they said, but I also know their time is extremely limited this year due to all their ongoing projects. Perhaps the start of expanded GMM would have been better if they'd waited until the new year to tackle it, but there's nothing to be done about that now. I look forward to them finding their groove with the new format and am happy enough in the meantime!

I'll tack on my approval of what you said instead of writing a reply saying basically the same thing. I appreciated that they allotted a good chunk of time to respond honestly to concerns. They've always been good with these kinds of "we need to talk" videos, and this one was no different.

The multiple-video format still hasn't grown on me, but I'll tag along with an open mind.

Yes! I think they did a great job discussing the MBs concerns. The lighting was one of the main things bothering me too, so with that being fixed I’m already liking the new format better. :)


It's the same every time there's any change, minor or major in scope, that fair weather fans want to jump on the comment train and bemoan how much they loved everything "before".  But remember, if there never were any changes we'd still be watching the grainy, poorly-lit video ramblings of two unknown guys sitting in a basement in Lillington, NC

Agreed Gumbo. tbh, I'm not a person for change, but I am already used to it.

I don't like it. I've been watching GMM since it first started and I've never had a problem with the changes until now.

They REALLY need to fix their lighting and audio issues and give the crew back their own microphone so they stop sounding like a bad laugh track because you can barley hear them. Their lighting is not 100% fixed, it still has a yellowish tint to it. They really need to get it back to how it use to look.

They need to make their first video the exact same as their old ones, put the wheel in it and actually have it go to be 10-12 minutes. Today's video was a little under 7. The other segments should be uploaded as their own thing and not part of the GMM episode if that makes sense because they never really correspond together and it feels weird watching the first episode and not getting the wheel or anything. I feel like all their videos are rushed and just becoming unfunny. They don't want to go back to their old format but they don't seem to be wanting to fix their current format. You can tell people don't like it because their views are dropping like crazy. Only a handful of the videos they've uploaded have gotten over 1 mil views while todays are barely reaching 300k if that. I've never disliked a video of theirs until now. It's depressing to see, I don't want to unsubscribe but I don't really find it entertaining anymore and don't really want to spend the time to watch them over something else.


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