
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

    This is an RP, which us old beasts used to do all the time. In this mix we have a few strangers.... maybe heros... but no one is for sure.


      1. At MAX 2 active characters per person.

      2. Character can't have over 2 powers- it's for everyones own good.

      3. Please stay active.

      4. No major romance... ew. 

      5. Keep it interesting!!

Alrighty! That's it!

Love, Lara! 

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Thanis slowly turned the gray handle of the tan colored door and pushed it open. Looking down, he notice that, unlike the hall tile floor, this room had coffee colored carpet. He instinctively looked to his left and right after shutting the door. And though it was pitch black, his eyes had changed to thermal, allowing him to see the kitchen on his right, and another door to his left. Walking silently, Thanis reached the corner of the room and faced the door, shrouded by shadows. 

        Shadow jogged home, her attire that of a normal gymnast. The night was harsh and cold against her skin. The wind cut through her grey sweat pants as she jogged, and her black hoodie. Arriving at her apartment building, the door man, Bernie nodded her way.

        "Out for a midnight jog again, Miss?" He asked cheerfully. 

         "Yes, sir." She smiled, "I love this weather." 

        "I can see that." He smiled. "Be careful not to catch a cold!" 

        "Will do, Bernie. Goodnight!" 

        She walked through the turning door and went toward the stairs. She had been so unfit lately, those few simple gymnastic moves earlier reminded her that she's been forgetting her gym time. Twenty eight flights of stairs would be hell, but she needed it to keep her core and legs going. By the twentieth stair case she just about wanted to cut herself in half, the burning and cramping was unbelievable, she was only human after all. Finally, she got to her floor and sprinted to her room. Getting there, she opened the door and shut it behind her. Leaning against the back of the door, she wiped her brow with the back of her fingerless glove. Damn... I am so out of shape. Going to the kitchen she grabbed herself a glass of cold water. The feeling of the cool liquid sliding down her throat was gratifying after her climb. 

"Must be careful, cold water can kill if you are exhausted." Thanis said, emerging from the darkness. "Though, you are dead anyway." 

        She remained calm. Keeping the glass in hand, she placed the bottom on the counter. 

         "Everyone is dying day by day, not only me." 

        His voice, she knew it. It was the man from the docks. 

"Today is special." Thanis said, stepping forward. "Today, you see, you die a most painful death." Two blades slide down the sleeve of his armor. 

     "Woah, woah!" Shadow said holding up her hands. "I don't want any trouble."

     She had put down her glass and turned to face him. 

       "I am just the girl who lives in room 2801."

"Lies!" Thanis shouted as he jumped forward, sending his back foot towards Shadow's head, along with the blade on his right arm.

        Dodging both, his blade barely missed her and her execution of sliding under his leg was sloppy. I knew the stairs was a bad idea! Jumping, she slid her sweat pants off. Using them as a diversion, she threw them at Thanis, temporarily blinding him as she removed her hoodie, revealing her skin tight black suit. With in seconds, she was hiding once more. Her skin molding to the sights of her apartment. Her body screamed for her to stop moving, to just rest for a moment. Shadow crouched and watched him as he became frustrated and ripped her sweats in half. 

One of blades slide back into his arm, though it moved fluidly.He glared at Shadow and lunged at her, landing a solid side kick to her stomach.  Without warning, Thanis grabbed her throat and threw her towards the window of her apartment. In two long strides, Thanis was standing over her. He smashed the window,  grabbed her arm, and then swung her outside, letting her dangle.

"No! Don't drop me, this is a misunderstanding!"

Thanis growled as his red eyes turned gray. "Give me one good reason not to end you right now."

      Scratching at his glove around her neck, she could feel the strength leaving her body. Her mind, driving her, forced her bones to bend, her teeth to sharpen and her claws to grow. Her body, now far larger kicked off the side of her building and bit through his armour. On the ground she pounced a top him, her form now that of a tiger, she kept one paw pressed on his chest. 

       Through her whiskers, she growled, "You should have bound me when you had the chance." 

Thanis snarled. "And you should have killed me when you could have." He said as he grabbed her other paw. "Witch. You should know better than to spy on us." With inhuman strength, he pushed her slightly off him. Then he used his other arm to send them both out of the window. Thanis began sending kicks and punches at Shadow.

      In a flash, again, her body turning, her arms and back ached as feathers grew as fast as light from her skin. Her legs became thin and muscular, talons at the ends. Grabbing Thanis in her talons, she dropped him atop the empire state building. Condensing herself, from that griffin, to a human again, she stood before him.

     "I am not a witch." She spat toward him. "Now what do you want?"


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