
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

I think we all know you guys deserve a super bowl ad featuring one of your bad local commercials and have confidence and faith that one day that may be achieved. But, until then, how about you do your own super bowl?

It would be in the same format as the Live chat you did with Commercial Kings: we would watch the super bowl on our own t.v. while using our computers to watch you guys watching it. Every time there is a commercial break, you would play your own ads. OR perhaps do a competition and have people submit THEIR advertisements to you prior to the game, you judge them, and the best ones also get featured.

Yes, I know, conjuring up an audience for such an event may present some problems since the majority of the people throw/attend parties with family and friends and therefore may not have access to the show as easily. And yes, I know it would be targeting an audience and would exclude international beasts who don't or can't watch American football. I also understand that this may impair YOUR ability to fully enjoy the game. However, I think you have a strong enough following to make it worth your time!

Just a thought :D

Thanks for your time and consideration. =)

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