
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!


  • What do you want R&L to talk about? 


  • Are you considered to be somewhat of an "EXPERT" on that subject?


  • Have you already make a suggestion to Rhett and Link  via comment post on  ,  or  ?


  • Did they think it was a great idea? Or do they believe you are completely insane for even suggesting such a thing and should be put away somewhere quiet before you hurt yourself?


  • If you were a flower, what type would you be?

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My fiance and I think that a "Will it Bagel!?"episode would be pretty entertaining. We enjoy putting crushed Doritos on top of our bagels but I am sure Rhett, Link, and the cast can think up some other interesting toppings.
I love bagels.., and Doritos. Good call here.
How about a show detailing what is not on the Interweb? Older magazines, newspapers, political campaigns or advertisements for example.
Take yourselves and your children geocaching and tell us what you think about it.

I want to talk about how scientists are developing the ability to 3D print organs...

What would be your dream phone?

Maybe "Is this a real word?" I was inspired to do this when I learned "Confuzzled" was a word- confused and puzzled.

"Is this a real word?" I was inspired when I learned that confiscated was a word. 

river vs ocean 

Here's a cool suggestion for a topic. On Nov 28 2014 a space based company Uwingu sent nearly 90,000 pics and other info to Mars to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Mariner 4 rocket that went to Mars and sent back the first landscape pics of the Martian terrain. The project is called "Beam me to Mars"! Uwingu allowed people to purchase a "slot" (I guess) to send personal info about them. The range was from $4.99 to $99. Actors such as Star Treks George Takei was of some of the people to do so. wouldn't it be cool to have him on your show and talk about why he did it and what does he think the response would be... and from who??? Space and aliens are a huge topic these days and you can get some really good responses from yourselves and from your Mythical Beasts!!! Even if you can't get Takei on I know you guys can make this great! Justin Leigh Williamsburg, VA. Thanks for your time!
do rhett and Link reply to these?
so how do you know if they are interested in your topic suggestion or if they even look at them?


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