
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!


  • What do you want R&L to talk about? 


  • Are you considered to be somewhat of an "EXPERT" on that subject?


  • Have you already make a suggestion to Rhett and Link  via comment post on  ,  or  ?


  • Did they think it was a great idea? Or do they believe you are completely insane for even suggesting such a thing and should be put away somewhere quiet before you hurt yourself?


  • If you were a flower, what type would you be?

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Well, that wouldn't really work because you can't tell exactly whats going in there mind. But i can say, just be yourself, and if she doesn't like you, its fine! There are more girls out there and who knows, you might find one better for you!

                                                                                  TELL US ALL ABOUT IT!--Reply  

1. Actually I have a few suggestions, one: What do you guys think about gun bans? Two: What do you guys think about time travel? Three: Do a "Will it Nacho Cheese" Video!

2. I am against gun banning. I don' think people can time travel, but is cool for sci-fi movies. I like nacho cheese.

3. No, this is my first suggestion/suggestions.

4. Refer to number three.

5. A rose, because i like red. 

Make rhett and link try pinterest dyi foods and see how they do XD

GMM idea: Rhett and Link make their own pinterest DIYs and teach the viewers at home how to make their own

they should do an epoisode where they discuss COKE VS PEPSI. that would spark some intrest c:!

Are mermaids real 

Rett and Link you should eat 1,000 year old duck egg

The philosophy of food (if there is one)

What are some of the strangest careers?
Weirdest accidental inventions?

Things to discuss

- Ferguson
- How Rhette styles his hair... seriously, I want that.
- Updates on tidbits from past shows (effects of ghost pepper, how is vikki, behind the scenes) 
- Science vs Faith
- Best and worst things ever eaten
- Challenges (cinnamon, butter, milk)
- Things that almost nobody knows about you two
- Pivotal moments in Rhette and Links friendship

I'd be a rose, cliche, i know.

Top 10 strangest future technology


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