
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!


  • What do you want R&L to talk about? 


  • Are you considered to be somewhat of an "EXPERT" on that subject?


  • Have you already make a suggestion to Rhett and Link  via comment post on  ,  or  ?


  • Did they think it was a great idea? Or do they believe you are completely insane for even suggesting such a thing and should be put away somewhere quiet before you hurt yourself?


  • If you were a flower, what type would you be?

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You are right, Anil - - - Jen is the official liaison to the Kommunity and she checks on things like this and reports back to R&L and the GMM Krew - - - below is a recent exchange where I sent her a topic suggestion - - - I suppose that she is now periodically checking this discussion thread and the others I linked for ideas and suggestions.

  • My humble submission of a GMM episode idea

From You to Jen Matichuk (Bas…   Sent Oct 27

Great idea, but unnecessary.  There has been an ongoing "SUGGEST  GMM  SHOW TOPICS" discussion (393 posts) on the kommunity for over two years, as well as one for WHEEL  OF  MYTHICALITY ideas (1,359 posts).  it would be wonderful if somebody at GMM Studios would check those out. 

In the event an idea is chosen from a kommunity suggestion box for use in a future episode, it would be a great benefit if so noted as a "pop-up plug" to encourage others to join.



From Jen Matichuk (Bas… to Gumbo123
Sent Oct 27

Thanks, Gumbo!

Just sent it in to Eddie :)

Thinking about making a blog post page for people to submit ideas for episodes if they want to - what do you think?



From Gumbo123 to Link (Chiasquatch), Jen Matichuk (Bas… and Rhett (Shahbaz)
Sent Oct 24

The topic for today's episode (GMM #556 ~ The Weird Part of the Internet - Vol. 1) was quite entertaining.  Certainly there will be future episodes in the series, right?

It reminded me a bit of an ongoing favorite topic we've been bantering about the kommunity off and on for the past 4+ years.  As part of the Love to Sing to Annoy People group, the discussion came up as to what was the world's most annoying song.  I did some "research" (i.e. google & wiki) and found that some highly credentialed researchers and analysts had several years back actually done a study on the topic.  Then, based on the survey results, they composed, orchestrated and recorded what they titled THE MOST UNWANTED SONG

22 minutes of purely hysterical musical bliss . . . complete with bossanova synths, banjo ferocity, harp glissandos, bagpipes, oompah-ing tubas and much, much more.

I have already posted details including a YouTube video, free mp3 music download and the lyrics on the group discussion page at:


You've done several GMCL and GMM shows on "Best of . . . " and "The Worst Ever. . . " so this might just be a good fit for an upcoming show.

Vaya con queso, mis kommigos.


Topic: Online gaming / Aika

A lesser known but interesting online game is Aika, which I know a lot about. There are five nations who can port raids to each other and steal relics in a capture the flag concept. One player can hold one relic at a time, and must be safely guarded through the enemy nation to the rift, where they can port back to their home nation.

The interesting thing about this particular game is that you can become lord marshal of a nation, leading your own guild and three other guilds with one archon each, where you and the archons lead the raids over red chat to the nation.

Here's some examples of what the Aika gameplay looks like:

This can be quite fascinating compared to other online games because of the level of strategy involved. Not only military tactics (which way to go, stealth raid with a small group or raid in the open with a large group?) but politics. As a lord marshal or archon, you must convince the nation of players to do what you want during raids, where a raid typically might have 24-72 players raiding another nation. And a lot of the players might be 10-14 years old, which makes it even more entertaining to try to lead a raid. The positions of archon and lord marshal are unusual in online gaming, where usually you have little personal power to direct the course of the entire gaming community of that game.

The lord marshal and archons often spend several hours a day raiding and defending their nations, and tend to have some considerable personal charisma when leading over teamspeak (voice chat).

Here's a funny example of one Lord Marshal (Eric) talking on teamspeak and asking for buffs. He's a real character (entertainingly egotistical), and was one of the most successful nation leaders in the history of the Aika game.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a13pgtjgMvs (warning, they swear a lot)

My question is, would you find this satisfying to lead a "virtual" nation as a hobby? What type of person would? Is this a worthwhile pursuit in any way by what you can learn about politics and tactics from it?

Or is it dangerous due to violence in the game? Aika is actually less violent than many fighting games that have more blood and gore. I wonder if games like Left for Dead could warp your mind due to being too much like a real war zone (too many body parts)?

Does online MMORPG gaming have any value (fun, entertaining) or can it be a dangerous pursuit (dying from playing too long, news story of somebody killing somebody else they got mad at during a game?) Is it one of those things that's ok within limits? Would you worry if your kids got into online gaming, which is becoming more popular than console games like the Wii, or would you play the online games with them?

Random topic ideas:

*Make boats out of only cardboard and paper/wood glue (no stronger glue or tape etc allowed). Then see how far you can go in the boat on a lake. We did this in physics class and it was pretty entertaining.

*If you were a member of the Animorphs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-2vEFWFlgE) what would be your favorite animal to morph into for fun/to travel/etc.?

*Fun with liquid nitrogen

*Did you make forts out of sheets and fans as a kid (such as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cECS51H6Pu0)?

*Who (Rhett/Link) can play the best tune on a conch trumpet (example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDAaFhK0XD8)?

*Weirdest instruments in the world/contest recognizing their sound

*Weirdest thing to go through/happen in your neigborhood. Examples from my neigborhood: Llamas walking with people, guy playing bagpipes, balloon landing in the field behind the house.

Why do/cats dogs chase laserlights/flashlights/shadows? Do they know it's a game?

Cleverest inventions for pets (the ball thrower https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PcL6-mjRNk, internet pet treat delivery https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WOFOvXziIU)

How bout "Rhett believes he can shoot lasers from his eyes."

I think you should talk about how, when you say you have been friends since first grade, you eat  off of different food

ex. link eats a piece of cake, Rhett has to get a whole new slice. BTW I ain't hatin' i'm just asking :) luv your vids!

you should do what is sexist vs. what is not sexist! PLEASE!

Will it cereal. They need to do altoids.

What do you want R&L to talk about? English language accents from around the world and how they may have possibly come into existence and evolved.

BUT, I would like R & L to have a competition too. The first to 5 (or whatever amount) wins in guessing/understanding what each other are saying when using a"Geordie" accent. This is a North England accent from Newcastle and is hard even for people from England to understand. It can sound really funny too when people try and do it. Here's an example on:


I think there are even online Geordie translators you could build sentences with.

I came up with this idea because not many people around the world will have heard English spoken like this and a lot of movies with English accents sound either American in some way or like Jason Statham from London...or posh like the Queen. I live in Yorkshire in north England and there's over 70 accents alone around my parts, I think it would be hilarious for R & L to do a "Dick Van Dyke" with English accents from around the world, especially from north England, here's some examples of good and bad:


Truth is we absolutley love it when people try British accents and I love anyone trying any accent and getting it kinda wrong, realllly funny! :D Johnny Depp is the guy to beat, he's excellent!

Have you already make a suggestion to Rhett and Link  via comment post on , or ? Nope, first time.

If you were a flower, what type would you be? A Yorkshire Rose :)

I would like to see a what do you think is the best anime intro/outro. Also limiting to one per anime title would be a good idea. Reason being is Naruto has so many different intro/outro's that poeple could vote for more than one resulting in four slots being naruto. As a forewarning most anime intro's/outro's even when the show itself is dubbed will be in Japanese, not all will be but a majority will be. Someone also might ask they already did something like this, well that was just intro's for T.V. shows i think it would be interesting to see the other Mythical peeps/beasts thought's/idea's on this matter. i will be posting the one intro that i happen to like and see what other poeple post, thank you for reading and i hope to see this page flooded with idea's. :D:D

Maybe you could try like 1 typical food from every ( or some at least ) countries on south américa. We are pretty left out on everything and it would be cool for a lot of ppl I think to see that. I am from Chile and I can say wikipedia is pretty accurate on this subject. Don't leave Chile out!!

Chile is featured briefly in the BBC's 2014 Christmas edition of "Top Gear" show, it looks a beautiful place!


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