
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!


  • What do you want R&L to talk about? 


  • Are you considered to be somewhat of an "EXPERT" on that subject?


  • Have you already make a suggestion to Rhett and Link  via comment post on  ,  or  ?


  • Did they think it was a great idea? Or do they believe you are completely insane for even suggesting such a thing and should be put away somewhere quiet before you hurt yourself?


  • If you were a flower, what type would you be?

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You should discuss the horrifying injury of Kevin Ware yesterday.

Here's the video. Don't watch if you have a weak stomach.

Congrats on garnering what I believe is the very first ever "BUT  WE'RE  NOT  TALKING  ABOUT  THAT  TODAY  .  .  .  THANKS  FOR  NOT  BRINGING  THAT  UP"  in the history of Good Mythical Morning! 

@ 2:00 - 2:50 - - - it's a new World Record for the longest time not talking about something while totally talking about it.



This looks like something you'd see in California. 

Walking hard, or hardly walking?


A great show idea: You and your wives play the Newlywed Game, and see which of you knows your wife better. Or play against each other, see who knows more about each other, Rhett or Link.

Love the show! Keep up the good work!

GMM Show Suggestion:

I think they should do an episode on dumb laws and do a true or false game on them 50 questions, one for each state

http://www.dumblaws.com/   <-------- here's the link for the dumb laws

Rhett and Link should talk about Gravity Falls on GMM because it is a show about mythical beasts!

Rhett and Link should talk about why are people afraid of bats?

i am very much an expert on bats .

8) bats are a mythical beast in my eyes. 

I would like you guys to talk about uncomfortable eye contact with strangers.  You know those awkward moments when strangers make eye contact and the indecision that follows on whether or not to say, " Hey hows it goin?" or the waz up nod.  It's weird when both parties pretend that the eye contact did not occur and quickly look away to avoid it.  Is there a name for this uncomfortable moment? Also what is the appropriate amount of time to pass before someone acknowledges, "hey yes we are looking at one another somebody has to perform a social greeting" and at what point does it become a stare?  Sincerely local NC dude. 

Since the premiere of Book 2 is still very fresh for the fans of Legend of Korra, how about making an episode about the Avatar Community. 

R&L Should kontinue what they're talking about

Maybe :/

no :(


Most People might say "rose" but I would be a Lily or a Sunflower :) :):):):):):):):):):) 

I seriously wanna see Rhett and Link do science expiriments like Bill Nye or Steve Spangler

Dear Rhett and Link,

You should do a GMM called, "Mythical creatures vs. Sci-fi fantasy creatures." 


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