
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Just like the guidelines say, we're letting you choose your own prizes. This is where we're going to discuss who wants what, and whether or not we're willing to part with it (or even still have it).

A couple of things to keep in mind:

1. Please limit your requests to props from our videos
2. Emily will be posting a list of approved prizes here.

So, let your voice be heard. What do you want?

Views: 1291

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wow this is good. thanks Emily!
now, we just need to maybe import these into a space that allows for voting...and ppl can continue to add to the list, of course.
let me confer with the mods...
Thanks for noticing, Link! You may not want my assistance anymore, but I'm always happy to help, so feel free to ask anytime! I do have a little thought about the voting list, though, if you want to hear it:
If you and/or Rhett eliminated the prizes on the list that aren't available, then it would really help to narrow it down some before it becomes official or anything. That would not only make it simpler, but also help to keep people from voting for the ones they can't have.
Plus, the guidelines mentioned something about giving the biggest prize to the video winner, then audio, then picture... have you thought at all about how you'd arrange that, because I may have an idea for you if you don't... :)

P.S.- I feel like a dumby for asking this, but what did you mean by confer with the mods??
Oh!! Haha, thanks for telling me, Catie! :)
Another prize I would love is Link's ability to grow astounding facial hair. I'd give him money for that probably around 20 bucks, cuz I do work at Wal-Mart.
I TOTALLY want the Freelance Fireworks Hall of Fame plaque--now that it is in high-def! Yeah!
I definitely agree with that one!! Another prize that I think would be great is Link's reflective vest from the Space Junk video! :)
We could do those... Possibly :)
the Radio Island hat from the Father's Day video would also be fantastic. For some reason I am a big fan of hats. YOU GOTTA TIE EM DOWN IN 3 POINTS!
what if its more of a do something/help out when we are ready, like my started a sawmil business and maybe make a short commercial for advertising on youtube or something like on our website we will have....
Hey everyone, I've seen a number of people asking about our hand held siren from the Father's Day Video. If it's alright with Rhett and Link we'd be happy to provide a new one as a prize. Or if there are any other items from the Guide to Good Life videos that they may not have anymore, like Nana's favorite towel, we would be willing to provide that for the Kommunity instead. Just let us know when you come to a consensus!

Wow!! That's really nice of you, and if Link and Rhett approve this then it would definitely broaden our horizons, so thank you! :)
wow well would ya look at that.


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