
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Just like the guidelines say, we're letting you choose your own prizes. This is where we're going to discuss who wants what, and whether or not we're willing to part with it (or even still have it).

A couple of things to keep in mind:

1. Please limit your requests to props from our videos
2. Emily will be posting a list of approved prizes here.

So, let your voice be heard. What do you want?

Views: 1291

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Even if they had previously ok'd the other items and listed them on the Prize Roundup forum?

Lynn E-Ministrator said:
Nope, Ben. Props from the videos means props from the videos. If you haven't seen Rhett & Link's new video yet, you can do so here. Look around, there are lots of props in the video to choose from! Then, come back here and make your suggestion!

Ben Burton said:
What about the prizes already listed that are not props (i.e. Locklear DVD, music source tracks...)? Are those still up for grabs?

Rhett's Flying V looks nice... He wouldn't want to part with that, would he?
The CBE Prize ROUNDUP discussion is currently being reviewed, but from what I'm seeing, I think the revised list will only include props. Keep an eye out over there for the official word, especially once the CBE ends. That's the list the winners will be choosing from.


Ben Burton said:
Even if they had previously ok'd the other items and listed them on the Prize Roundup forum?
Arnold Schwarzenegger pumping iron DVD
In The 80s wigs
Rhett and Link Rock t-shirt
Fireworks Hall of Fame
Camo Shorts
The SHORTS you wore in the video telling us about the 80s challenge!! PLEASE ♥
Ben Burton said:
Arnold Schwarzenegger pumping iron DVD
In The 80s wigs
Rhett and Link Rock t-shirt
Fireworks Hall of Fame
Camo Shorts

There was some kind of pink guitar in the fridge, too.
And that gun they were shooting their poor intern with.
And those bow flex weight things, though I don't know if those count as props they would give away.
Rhett's car
Debate sign

What about the magic 8 ball? It was in the new video, but I don't know if it counts as a prop...
One of the dead ipods would be pretty cool,
any rhett and link eighties prop,
or anything from Phatdippin would be pretty sweet for me. [:
Um...I was wondering if the Febreeze was available. I love that stuff.
the corn hole
The Speedy figure from the Alka-Seltzer's great american road trip! (signed, of course)
Link's laptop from the "Facebook Song" or the thing that looked like the facebook page with a hole in it so when you put your face in the hole it would look like you had your face in the page, yeah, that. Rhett or Link's, signed at the veeeeerrrrrrryyyy bottom.

If not that, then Rhett's electric gutar (signed) from "Goth and Baseball DO mix"
Rusty Barefoot's yellow sunglasses.


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