
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Just like the guidelines say, we're letting you choose your own prizes. This is where we're going to discuss who wants what, and whether or not we're willing to part with it (or even still have it).

A couple of things to keep in mind:

1. Please limit your requests to props from our videos
2. Emily will be posting a list of approved prizes here.

So, let your voice be heard. What do you want?

Views: 1291

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Replies to This Discussion

Would Rhett and Link be willing to cover and make a video of the winning audio submission?
Well, if I can't have a theme song, I'll have to Kast my vote for a R&L cornhole board set.
Hmm, I'd like a copy of each of the Rhett&Link related newspapers and/or the pamphlet for the Robot Girlfriend featured in the Robot Girlfriend video. (preferably signed, but hey, I take what I can get. ;) ) If that would be possible, that would be GREAT.

To be able to crash at one of your places for the Ms. Locklear premiere. :)
Wow. Points for hitting it from all possible angles...but my money's still on no dice!
Pretty please?

That is a cool idea! I'd take that, even though my kids are kind of beyond strollers...
i just want a t-shirt from you guys. :]
we need to clarify that the prizes you're suggesting should be props from any of our videos...we can sign them.
So, you don't want me crashing at your place, fine, I get it.... :)

What about the prizes already listed that are not props (i.e. Locklear DVD, music source tracks...)? Are those still up for grabs?

Link Neal said:
we need to clarify that the prizes you're suggesting should be props from any of our videos...we can sign them.
Nope, Ben. Props from the videos means props from the videos. If you haven't seen Rhett & Link's new video yet, you can do so here. Look around, there are lots of props in the video to choose from! Then, come back here and make your suggestion!

Ben Burton said:
What about the prizes already listed that are not props (i.e. Locklear DVD, music source tracks...)? Are those still up for grabs?

snuggie from phatdippin


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