
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Just like the guidelines say, we're letting you choose your own prizes. This is where we're going to discuss who wants what, and whether or not we're willing to part with it (or even still have it).

A couple of things to keep in mind:

1. Please limit your requests to props from our videos
2. Emily will be posting a list of approved prizes here.

So, let your voice be heard. What do you want?

Views: 1291

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Cool! Let's add that to the list as part of a prize pack along with an actual video prop.

Thanks Jon!
Whoa. Jon from Kotula's just won the thread. haha Someone remind me to always shop from them when I'm in the area.

I think that the winning prizes should be small packages like:

Signed CD of choice
Signed T-shirt

And then like, add Looking for Ms. Locklear or a couple other small things to the bigger prizes. Maybe like, a half-hour to an hour long video chat on Skype? (for a new idea)

Personally, I'm partial to the Maine Man hat. :o)
uhhhh FYI Kotulas is an online store lol and they have those magazines im not even sure if there is a physical Kotulas store anywhere
As a prize for the audio category, I think it would be cool to have copies of Rhett and Link's a cappella and instrumental tracks, for remixing.
WOW! very nice idea!
i'm entering video and i'd still like that.
We could do that.
If my wife and I won best video, would you guys be willing to write a song for our 10th anniversary?
Aww, that suggestion's really sweet, Matt!! :)
Sorry matt, no theme songs for this CBE! But u do get points for the idea ( from Robin ) I think.
Maybe an autographed picture or free transportation to the live Kast
What'd be really cool would be those goblets you drank from in The Roscoe's Chicken'n'Waffles Song. They were pretty awesome.
Hmm lost those :(


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