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Which noble house do (and/or did) you want to see reign victorious in the end? Perhaps the powerful Baratheons who earned their spot on the throne through battle? Or the honorable Starks in the North with their Old Gods? Are you drawn to the wealth and riches of the Lannisters? Do you prefer a life at sea, worshiping the Drowned God with the Greyjoys? Are you awaiting the return of the Targaryen empire, led by the Mother of Dragons? Or is there someone else you wish to rule the Seven Kingdoms? Let us know where your loyalties lie!

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I was so confused there cause that's everything that I said haha, ..Oh yeah :') yeah I suppose but after all of that he's kinda ok, apart from when he ruined sansa's castle, he deserved that slap! and well, only some young kids say that, . whenever my friend (24) comes over she calls my mum that haha, she's crazy, love her though 

Hahaha I'm sorry, :p oh that is weird, funny though, I would probably hate you if you threw that to me :') 

Same, I know!! I can't believe I said I didn't know whether I liked him or not, he's a bitch haha hopefully he'll be on this list soon! I didn't think there were that many :O  

bahahahaha, I just sat here laughing for like 5 minutes... I started writing replies in Wordpad so I don't accidentally lose my progress, so I copied over your reply to respond to, and forgot to delete it when I copied and pasted it over... woops!! :')   But yeah, he needed a little slapping around to get his head back on right. haha, thats funny... So do you guys still call mummies a mummy? As in the walking dead person wrapped up in paper? Or what would you call your mum walking around wrapped up in paper? :P

haha, I would never create that monster. I am way too ticklish, I hope it never comes to existence. Shh, let's stop talking about it before someone steals the idea and makes it! D:

Holy shit! 25 pages?!?! That's a ton of dead people!! This is great tho! I will read through that list more in depth later and we can talk about a few of them :)

Oh man hahaha!! so silly :') yep definitely, he deserved a good skelping! yeah mummy like "urghhhh" we just call them mummies, what else would we call them haha, and ummm if she was wrapped in paper we would just call her crazy person wrapped in paper :') Those questions though oh my god haaaa 

I'm really ticklish aswell! especially on my neck, I guess it would help to keep their mind off of almost drowning? :s

I KNOW!! I was like eh?? I haven't looked through them all yet but I will, and ok!   

"Its not enough to be a good man to be an effective ruler" - George R.R. Martin

I'm only on book three, so I don't know who is alive and who is not alive in the latest season and so on. However, its interesting to think about who would be the best king. I assume we all think that Ned Stark would be a good king. He was a good man and all, but George R.R. Martin makes it clear that a good man doesn't necessarily make a good king. It would have been interesting to see Lord Tywin as king. When he was the hand to Aerys II Targaryen, people said that Tywin was the one who ruled the Seven Kingdoms. Tywin might not be the kindest man, but he has experience, and he knows how to handle economy. 

That's a good point! It's also why Dany makes me nervous. She has none of that experience :/

What do you think of Stannis so far? He definitely isn't in the 'good man' category. And he may not have as much experience as Tywin, but he's seen a few things in his life. And he's not afraid of making the tough choices and sticking to them, which I think helps make an effective ruler. What do you think of his claim for the throne? Do you believe he is the rightful heir?

Aye, Dany concerns me as well. She still acts like a stubborn child at times, and I'm not sure if she could handle the disputes that occur in Westeros.

I believe Stannis is much more suited for the throne. By looking at what he did to Davos, it seems like he is a man of justice. It is very important to be able to make the tough decisions he has, and I believe him being a 'cold' man has payed a huge role in this. I believe he would handle disputes such as for instance over land very well. However, he is stubborn. This can help him, but it can also do the very opposite. If we look at Robert Baratheon as a true king, then yes, I would say he is the rightful heir of the throne. Some would say that Renly deserved the throne because of him being a kinder man, but I think he was too arrogant.

As far as I have come in the books, it seems like R'hollor is real, and that he wants Stannis to sit on the throne. Also, when I think about it, perhaps Stannis and Tywin aren't so different. 

Sometimes her choices baffle me... It's like she has potential, but is just too young. Cuz she will do something that is incredibly smart or wise, then follow it up with something stubborn/childish as you were saying... So perhaps with time she can grow into it, I dont know.

Renly's claim to the throne was just ridiculous! All he wanted was the fame and wealth and the title. Hypothetically, the only reason his reign would be a good one is because his Queen would be the one actually ruling. I think Margaery Tyrell would make a good Queen... but I don't know if you are far enough for me to justify why/why not... Also, I heard she is like, more of a side character in the books, and the tv show kind of plays her up, but i'm not really sure what that means/entails since you are farther along in the books than I am.

As for the Gods... I have no idea what to believe exists. I almost just want to say they all exist. I like the idea of the Many-Faced God that the Faceless Assassin guy Arya saves worships. 

But can we agree that Dany has like the best chance of saving Westeros from the looming apocalypse from the White Walkers? I mean, fire kills them. Dany has dragons! How else can the White Walkers be defeated?! Assuming they ever do make an attack on Westeros, lol

Yeah, she definitely has potential. Sometimes she does make very good choices. She is still young, so she has time to learn. I think she needs to listen more to the advice she is given.

Renly had it coming. Margeary has been more like a side character up to what I have read, so I do not know much about her personality other that she is kind. She seems to really want to be a queen, though, no matter who she marries. I don't know if this is a good or bad thing. 

And yeah, Dany is in that sense Westero's greatest hope. If she does come to Westeros with her dragons, it seems like the throne would be simple for her to take. However, how will the citizens of Westeros react to a new Targaryen on the throne? Will this cause even more unrest? Stannis would probably not give up fighting for the throne, stubborn as he is. Now, it would be hard for Stannis to fight against and slay her dragons, yet not impossible. 

And don't forget about the Lannisters... they won't just step down, lol... I wonder if the Lannisters would like, temporarily form an alliance with Stannis to fight the dragons 

Ohh, interesting theory. In one way, Stannis would be too stubborn to fight with the Lannisters. Then again, he has to be realistic, and see that it will be hard fighting the dragons alone. Dang it, I need to keep reading. xD 

Yeah, now that I think about it, I don't think Tywin and Stannis would ever work together on anything. Like you said, they are very similar, I think they would just butt heads and refuse to work together. Even if it meant they lost to Dany and her dragons... It would be entertaining tho if they do.


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