
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Which noble house do (and/or did) you want to see reign victorious in the end? Perhaps the powerful Baratheons who earned their spot on the throne through battle? Or the honorable Starks in the North with their Old Gods? Are you drawn to the wealth and riches of the Lannisters? Do you prefer a life at sea, worshiping the Drowned God with the Greyjoys? Are you awaiting the return of the Targaryen empire, led by the Mother of Dragons? Or is there someone else you wish to rule the Seven Kingdoms? Let us know where your loyalties lie!

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Oh crap... Ooopsies! sorry, spoiler... I think it did happen in the books, that's why I'm confused haha. I wanted Theon to go with her so badly, But then again I didn't cause Ramsay would've punished him. Damn I hate the Boltons, ...and yep, he really was, doing that to his only son and then basically saying he doesn't want him anymore, I wanted to slap him!!  

Hahahaha yep, poor Gendry :') oh yeah none of their story lines were in that season, want the next one to hurry up! I know where Bran and Hodor are.. But can't remember where Osha and Rickon were going... I might watch them all again before the next season starts haha

Sheryl! Pull your shit together! haha, nah it's alright... I was always telling my friends 'I'm still waiting for Balon to die' because of the R'hllor sacrifice thing Stannis did, so I was expecting it to happen soon. I was kind of surprised it's taken this long tho. But yeah, you and me both, about slapping Balon! The jerk!

Yeah, in the show, Bran and Hodor just reached the One Eyed Raven dude. I'm very curious where that all goes. Which is the first time I have ever been curious about what's next for Bran... His storyline was pretty boring thus far. As for Osha and Rickon, they turned around at the wall, or near there, and that's the last I've heard of them! I feel like GRRM forgot about them or something, lol

Haha!!! shhh :') Yeah, he should of died ages ago. He probably has already but the shows not bothered to tell us yet haha Yes! Bitch slap him. 

I know! He's was such a little cutie in the first couple of seasons, but anyway yeah kind of boring, but his will be more interesting hopefully in the next season since he wasn't in the last one,

What happened to Loras btw do you remember cause I can't, the last I remember of him was when he was getting it on with that other guy. Oh and I really wish they would tell us what happened to Benjen Stark aswell since he's still missing, don't think he's been mentioned yet, or has he... I really need to watch them all again haha 

hahaha!!! I actually laughed out loud at that! Bitch slap him, hahaha

I hope they get to Bran next season! I hope for so many things for next season... We should start a new discussion to talk about predictions  of what we want to happen, and what we think will happen in the upcoming book/season.. Yeah, I might get to that soonish..

Oh no, Ser Loras! The show didn't mention anything about him OR Margaery once they were locked up... They just focused on stupid Cersei. But if Cersei was able to get out with her head, I would hope Loras and Margaery do too!

You know, I've just started to assume Benjen up and died somewhere in the forest... and now that you say that, it's making me think... Perhaps I am making this assumption just like how we all assumed the Lannisters killed Jon Arryn... So maybe Benjen IS alive! or even worse! Maybe he's a white walker now! OR EVEN WORSE! Maybe he deserted the Night's Watch and is living it up in some brothel somewhere in the south, where it's nice and relatively safe from the doomed zombie apocalypse! Or maybe that one is better... Or is it? hmmm... 

Haha yeaaah! :) 

I know same! They most likely will,  ooh ok good idea, there are a few things I want to happen, I know! Oh wait yeah they both did get locked up... I don't want anything bad to happen to Margaery I like her! :( 

That confused me, you assumed he what? up and died? what does that mean? he upped? :P or did you mean to put 'gave up' or something haha but yeah I have a feeling he's still alive. But then again he's a stark and bad things keep happening to them so... Hahaha! 'living it up in the brothel', having the time of his life haha ohhh :') I kind of want him to be alive..

Okie, yeah, I will probably create that discussion tomorrow... And I know, me either! I love Margaery! If Dany isn't queen, I want her to be :D I like Loras too. Oh, and their grandmother is hilariously awesome.. What was her name?

Lol, umm... 'Up and died' is just kind of an expression, not sure exactly where it comes from.. But it's also used a lot for 'up and left'... Say your buddy randomly leaves and you don't know why or where he went, you'd say he up and left. So I guess it's short for got up and left? Benjen Stark up and died, meaning he mysteriously left (got up) and probably died out there... I think it's just doing anything sudden or mysteriously. Up and killed him. The Mountain up and killed the viper :'( Jeof up and choked. :D I just up and confused you.. Lol. I'm pretty sure it works for all those things. Never really thought about it before!

Ok! ... yeah :( not a queen, a Khaleesi ;) Does she still go by that name, she does doesn't she? Idk haha, But yeah same, I like Loras. .. I know she is! can't remember her name either.. Looked it up, It's Olenna :P 

Really? wow you really have confused me even more haha I've never heard that saying before.. 


Oh right, Khaleesi xD   Well, I meant Queen of Westeros. Khaleesi is a Dothraki/Essos thing. But yeah, she still goes by it... her title has like 30 things to it... Khaleesi, mother of dragons, Unburnt (or something like that), Breaker of Chains, Mhysa, it goes on and on, especially if you were to add on Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Realm, and all that she would get with the Iron Throne!

Olenna, really? I would have never thought of that. But I haven't gotten to her part in the books yet. She was like the only person who would stand up to Tywin, and I loved that :)

Sorry for the confusion! Just start going around town with your friends, and when someone leaves, say "Oi!" -do you guys say Oi a lot? - "Oi! Why'd so-and-so jus' up 'n' leave like tha' for?" It'll catch on really quick. Soon, you'll up and hear it all over. At the next vote, petition the new Scottish slogan to be "Let's up and leave the UK!" With a slogan like that, you might win! :P

Yeah I knew what you meant haha, I love her so much, and I miss Khal Drogo, I hated him to begin with but started to like him, until they went and done that! :( 

Yep, and yes! Yay Olenna! She's such a badass old lady. Aww, I've started reading them again, talking about them made me want to so yeah 

It's ok :') Yeah we say that a lot, haha ok, and btw I don't miss it out in 'just', but close enough :P or should I say 'I don' ' miss i' ou' in just, bu' close enough' haha! 

Oh, I know exactly what you mean... I just love how Khaleesi pretty much took control of the relationship. She could have just cowered in fright the whole time like when she was first married off (a completely understandable reaction, Khal Drogo was a monster of a man, and a stranger no less). But she accepted their culture, and her new role in it as the moon of his life! They were actually great for each other. And then yeah. :'(

Have you started back at the first one?

Okay, these are all great tips. I especially like it written out so I can see it and try to sound it out... I'll keep practicing and then we can try speaking our accents back to each other. Once my Scottish and your American are decent, we can move on to Russian.. :')

Yeah.. I know! That's why I love her, and yeah, also a little bit terrifying. Ohhh :( Her sun and stars, I cried at the bit when she saw him and their baby! :( 

Yep, you better hurry up before I catch up with you :P 

You're welcome dearie, hahah! yess! 

Oh yeah, that part was really sad... Where was that? Qarth? It was in that weird temple place, right?

Weesht! I'm a slow reader but hopefully not that slow! Have you read all the books just once? 


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