
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Which noble house do (and/or did) you want to see reign victorious in the end? Perhaps the powerful Baratheons who earned their spot on the throne through battle? Or the honorable Starks in the North with their Old Gods? Are you drawn to the wealth and riches of the Lannisters? Do you prefer a life at sea, worshiping the Drowned God with the Greyjoys? Are you awaiting the return of the Targaryen empire, led by the Mother of Dragons? Or is there someone else you wish to rule the Seven Kingdoms? Let us know where your loyalties lie!

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Rickon is on that cannibal island or whatever with Osha (book)

Davos went to find him as far as i remember

Oh really? I haven't gotten that far in the books yet, and I don't think they mentioned that in the show... Especially about Davos going to find him. How did he even hear about Rickon being there? They end the show with Davos back at Castle Black I think. And Melisandre shows up there too.


So, I couldn't reply to your last message, I think we hit the max, lol... So I shall continue from right here :::

lol, when I first read your reply, I was thinking that 

 ...And it turned out to be good it rescued her! yay!

was about the Dothraki. Then I kept reading and was like, what? OH! she was talking about Drogon! I too hate being a spoiler-er... but I have like 3 whole books to get thru before I get there, so the next season will prolly be out before then (I'm a slow reader), but we will see! Maybe I'll be super bored this winter and breeze thru them.

I agree about the Arryn boy. But I was cracking up the episode he was learning to fight, and by fight, I mean he was cowering behind his shield and just taking all the blows. I can't believe Theon finally snapped out of his fearful trance long enough to help Sansa escape... I am really interested in where they are going now. Assuming they actually do escape and don't get caught right away... and oh! I was so disappointed when Sansa finally goes up to the tower to light the candle, and just seconds before she does Brienne and Podge (is that right?) turn around to deal with the whole Stannis army getting into a war right next to them thing... I was screaming at Brienne and Podge to turn around again! But actually, I really hate Brienne. She has good intentions, but I feel like all she does is screw up and make things worse. I dunno... how do you feel about Brienne? Am I the only one on this?

Haha aww, yep Drogon! yay :)  ...oh I'm still not going to tell you anything that happens :P Have fun reading them. .... I completely forgot them two escaped together! Oh Ramsay is going to go mental when he finds out... I was exactly the same when that happened, if they only just waited a tiny bit longer, such bad timing.  ... Podge though hahahaha! It's Podrick , but close enough, I guess that could be a good nickname for him .....Hmm I kind of like Brienne, but she hasn't been doing a good job on getting Sansa and Arya back,  her fight scene with the Hound was pretty intense though!

Fine, I'll wait until I finish the books! But yeah, Ramsay is gonna be pissed! And probably a little gutted his pet betrayed him.. (I used it right, right? xD)

I'm pretty sure Tyrion called him Podge before! Or maybe I just made it up? I dunno, that's funny tho! I feel like Arya would have been better off with the Hound than going off by herself.. I was super excited when she found the ship to Braavos, but she screwed it all up D':

I'm really nervous about what's going to happen with her now... It seems incredibly bad, but they didn't really show enough to know for sure, so I have this little tiny pit of hope it isn't as bad as it seems, which will probably be crushed into dust once the new season comes out

Aww, yep really pissed I wonder what he's going to do when he does finds out, and yeah you used it right I think haha ..... I think it might of been Pod? Cause that's his nickname, I laughed when you said podge :')  ..... Nervous about what will happen to Arya? You don't ave to be, nothing bad happens to her.. Or does it? I'm so evil, Her storyline is a bit behind in the show.. In the books it's gone quite far into it after she loses her eyesight so.. I'm not saying anything 

I put "does finds" haha oops..  

im prertty sure that was Jeyne pool not sansa who escaped with theon (?)

In the books yeah, but we were talking about the show, and Sansa did on there 

Does Jeyne Pool even exist in the show?

Yeah she's in the first episode.. With Sansa at the feast/celebration/party or whatever it was haha but I don't think she's in anymore episodes after that, and I don't think she'll be in it at all cause what happened to her in the books is what happened to Sansa instead in the show, (having to marry Ramsay) can't remember what else happened to Jeyne before that (in the books) haha 

That is so weird... What the hell is Sansa doing in the books then?! (don't tell me)


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