
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Which noble house do (and/or did) you want to see reign victorious in the end? Perhaps the powerful Baratheons who earned their spot on the throne through battle? Or the honorable Starks in the North with their Old Gods? Are you drawn to the wealth and riches of the Lannisters? Do you prefer a life at sea, worshiping the Drowned God with the Greyjoys? Are you awaiting the return of the Targaryen empire, led by the Mother of Dragons? Or is there someone else you wish to rule the Seven Kingdoms? Let us know where your loyalties lie!

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I was rooting for Daenerys right from the beginning, especially once she hatched her dragons! I kind of like what she's started over in the Free Cities of Essos, but I'd like to see her head over to Westeros and take the Iron Throne at some point.

From the way things are going I don't think the Starks have much chance, but who knows... For me it's Daenerys all the way! :) Love her 

The only Stark I was ever a big fan of was Arya... but, Arya included, they all make stupid choices! I hated Robb as soon as he went back on his promise and married that girl... I mean, come on man! You are a Stark, who are known for their honor! And you just go back on your word like that?? Then Arya couldn't even kill the oyster guy she was supposed to... That was super upsetting. I think the only hope Starks have lies with Sansa now. She's surprisingly starting to actually do something. There's also Bran... And I also want to know what happened to Rickon! Is he even alive still?

Good question I have no idea what happened to him. Yeah, even though Robb did that he was still one of my favourites. SPOILER ---------  Oh when he died I wasn't happy, MORE SPOILERS --------- and I know Jon wasn't a Stark well he kinda was but anyway, I've read that apparently he's not really dead blah blah blah but I don't want to believe any of that till there's proof on the show... what happened to him was horrible I actually cried ------------END OF SPOILERS haha, I like Arya aswell.  and Sansa.. I think you're right she probably is their only hope, I don't know if Bran will be much help though but Idk

All my friends really like Jon, but I was not a huge fan of him... SPOILER ---- I wanted him to just run away with Ygritte before she shot those arrows into him!! I was like 'no! stop! turn around you doofus!!'... But yeah, his death was like the most heart-wrenching of all because of how everyone turned their back on him... for doing the right thing!!! :'(  As soon as the episode ended, I hypothesized he might be coming back... why else would Lady Melisandre ride all the way back to Castle Black and leave Stannis to die?? (<--- by the by, I liked Stannis a lot for basically saving Castle Black...) But there was that other guy from the Bannerless Brothers or whatever (where Arya watched the Mountain fight him with his flaming sword) and they worshiped the Lord of Light too, and he was brought back to life like 5 times... So I think it is a possibility, but yeah, I'm like you where I'll wait till I see it for myself in the show, lol.

On a side note, for some reason I think the saddest part in the show so far for me was when Dany had to lock up her 2 dragons... I've watched that episode like 3 or 4 times and I cried every single time

LOADS OF  SPOILERS!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aw, I liked Jon he was one of my favourites, I wish someone told me before I started watching it to not get too attached to any the characters or have favourites, too many of mine have died :( so you think it's possible for him to be brought back? I hope so. But yeah I'll just stick to waiting to see what happens. Have you read the books? In that it didn't say whether he died or not..... hmm.... Same I wish they did run away together! Ygritte was another character I was upset about dying, and yep I cried, I cry a lot at that show haha 

I liked Stannis aswell, and thought he might of had a chance to take the throne but... Guess that will never happen now ha. It was so hard to watch his daughter (I've forgotten her name) burn to death, I hated that part. and kinda hated him for that but yeah, I was like shouting at my laptop telling him to stop it all haha 

Yeah that part with daenerys, that was sad, her babies! :( ... I'll be so happy if she does get the throne in the end 

I kinda feel bad for The Lannisters.. apart from Joffrey he was a prick and got what he deserved. But Myrcella :( and Cersei, I felt bad for her. I like Tommen but him being king.. I Don't think that's going to last long..  

It's so annoying not knowing what's going to happen but it's exciting at the same time, can't wait for the next book and season!! 

First, in my last reply, I meant the Hound, not the Mountain... Second, SO MUCH SPOILER!!! ------------------- I am currently on Book 3... I started with the show and decided I wanted to stay behind the show with the books. I mean, books are almost always better, so I figured this way my mind could be blown twice. Now I just gotta get caught up.

But I've heard a few theories about Jon... I thought for sure that scene in the show where they zoomed in on his ?dead? face, that his eyes were gonna open up and be blue, lol. I have to believe that's why they did it like that, to get people scared and thinking about it. I think it would be cool if the Night's Watch burn his body, as they should do, and Lady Melisandre somehow uses the flames to bring him back to life. What a slap in the face to the Night's Watch that would be. And then they all die for being assholes.

I really couldn't believe Stannis went thru with that... It really goes to show how stern and cold he really is. Even her mother, who hated her ever since she was born, was begging for them to stop once it started. And he just stood there, stoic as ever... I wonder what the Onion Knight is gonna do.

I am, like, so incredibly over-the-top thrilled that Dany and Tyrion have basically teamed up now! I wouldn't say I called it, but I know I've told people way back that those two teaming up like this would be amazing. And I can't believe it actually happened. Tyrion is just what Dany needs... someone who truly understands the politics of ruling a kingdom. With his help, I think she could become a fantastic Queen...

But with that being said, I also think Tommen could grow up to be a really good King too... If freaking Cersei would go jump off the Red Keep! But now she's got that Frankenstein Mountain to protect her.. shit! I felt bad while she was walking, but she so deserved it. I was so pissed when she got Margaery locked up... plus the billion other horrible things she's done. 

Who I feel bad for is Jaime! Holy expletive! He literally had the single greatest moment of his entire life, the love and recognition as a father from his daughter.... just to be immediately followed by the single worst moment of his life, his daughter dying in his arms, with nothing he can do to save her. And I just love how Jaime started out as THE worst, most hated character in the show for crippling Bran, but now he's a guy I actually like.

But the character I really love is Petyr Baelish. He is like, who I would aspire to be if I lived in this era. Sneaky, cunning, behind the scenes... I loved him right from the beginning. Even when he betrayed Ned, my buddies were like 'wtf, I hate Littlefinger!' and I was like 'oh, come on guys, he straight up TOLD Ned not to trust him. He could NOT have been more honest with him!' But I'm pretty sure I've never felt such a mind-blow moment than when Sansa's aunt in the Vale revealed how it was Petyr and her who poisoned Jon Arryn... I literally had to pause the show and rewind it to make sure I heard correctly... For like 3 or 4 seasons, it was just assumed that Cersei, or some Lannister-involved conspiracy was behind the entire ordeal that started the whole story!! But no! It was Petyr! Gah, my head still reels just thinking about it! And I feel like all my friends who watched it with me barely even cared about this giant nuclear bomb that just exploded our faces...

Alright, I'll let you go now, lol. Do you know if the book is going to get released before next season starts?

Oh.. Didn't notice you made that mistake :P Crap I've read them all and just mentioned the thing about Jon.. oops, I don't think that was really a spoiler but still haha sorry... I love the show and the books, and I know they've had to cut a lot of things out of the show to fit into the limited time.. that doesn't bother me, but I'm just a bit gutted about one thing that might not be added that's in the books... But I'm not going to say cause it's a massive spoiler so I'm just going to shut up now In case I completely ruin them for you haha. .....hmm, Jon as a white walker.. :O  ....If Melisandre did that I would love her forever :') ....yep, Screw you Stannis, Davos isn't going to be happy. ....I'm glad those two have teamed up aswell, ohh but when her other dragon came back for her though, that scene gave me goosebumps! I love Margaery so much. ....Oh god, that scene with Jamie and myrcella though, I was gutted for him! :( ...Oooh I like Petyr, yeah when I found out it wasn't the Lannisters I was just like whoa.. what??! ..I never really liked Lysa, I wasn't too upset when she died. 

haha, no idea, I haven't heard anything about release dates, I don't mind which one comes out first I'm excited for both!!! :)

Oh yeah, no worries... One of my friends who has read the books has told me about a few of the differences (I asked him for some examples before I started reading them). I don't think you could possibly completely ruin them for me, but thanks for the discretion :)

When Drogon first came back I was so torn, emotionally... I was like, this is either going to be extremely good, or extremely bad! I am so confused about the ending scene she had tho this last season... Maybe you know more for having read the book... I'm assuming she was surrounded by Doth Raki (sp?)? Was it the band that left her once Drogo died? Like, I couldn't tell if they were being hostile or friendly!! I want to know!! Is she safe or in danger?! Firstly, that whole her riding off and fleeing the city was kinda weird... it was awesome that she rode Drogon, but I was expecting them to like fight back, not flee. Then they land and she just walks off... Takes a nice little stroll half a mile away from her dragon... like what? 

lol, I had completely forgotten how her story had even ended until right now, and I was reminded of all the questions I had about it!

Lysa was insane. I wasn't upset at all either. I was happy, actually. As soon as Littlefinger entered the room, all I could think was 'Push her! Do it! Push her man!' But just his little speech right before it.. 'I only ever loved one person... your sister.' *look of utter surprise* *push* (I paraphrased, of course). And that's when I finally started to like Sansa... when she lied for Petyr about the 'suicide'. I think it's weird to call them a couple, but I would love to see them succeed together.

Aw ok that's fine then, you're welcome :) ...And it turned out to be good it rescued her! yay!

You spelled it right but it's one word, Dothraki, and about that ending... even though you asked I think I'm going to keep quiet about it, I don't usually like being a spoiler-er haha, you'll have to keep reading and see :P "She takes a nice little stroll" haha that's funny

Yep something wasn't right about her, cuckoo! I was happy too, I'm glad he pushed her, and her son annoys me. Yeah him and Sansa a couple hmm Idk that is kinda weird since you know, he loved her mother.... but together they would make a good team! 

Rickon isn't going to be a big part of the story.  If anything, he's probably dead or in disguise as a farm boy.   OOOOH!  He's probably protecting the farm land from raiders, wildlings, and governments with his dire wolf.  George R.R could create Rickon's re-entry into the story by having him try to unite the Umbers with the Karstarks in the North East below the Wall and have Rickon continue to expand his union. 

Anyway, I want Bronn to sit on the Iron Throne.  It won't ever happen, but the amount of people he'll kill and the order he could create would be fun to watch and read.

Hahaha, Bronn! That would be great, I love that guy... That would definitely make Tyrion helping Dany take the Iron Throne awkward


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