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As I listened to the Cornhole Song, I heard someone singing along with Link's Part during "Everybody was cornholin', bag throwin' ..." It was a female voice. You have to listen really hard to catch it. Is it in the song, or am I imagining things? If it is in the song, whose voice is it?

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Gee...I just listened 3 times and all I heard was the backing vocals.
I think I hear what your talking about, but you do have to listen very closely. Then again, it could just be hearing things...?
I've heard that before. I'm listening to it now. It might not be a female voice. It might have just been Link recording a track and making it higher pitched, then adding it in. They did that with the "CORNHOLE!" bits, so I don't see why they couldn't do that with other parts.

Plus, if you listen closely, it seems like that second voice has the EXACT timing and nuances of Link's voice, just higher.

That's my theory. I could be way wrong. =/
U r correct Breanna, except that we r pretty sure it's rhett's voice raised a few octaves, not mine --- we did it just to give it an interesting effect. Thx for noticing!
Any time I listen to that song, I always hear it! I thought it was just me and I was going to ask that same question myself, but I guess you already took care of that, John! ;)

Link, did you guys do that same thing during the last chorus of the food cart song??
I agree with Brianna it's probably just Link, he can get his voice to get pretty high.
Hmmmm...just listened 3 more times. Do I have lousy speakers or something? I hear Rhett's voice, Link's voice, and the background vocals, also their voices.
Hmm I dunno, I hear the main vocals, back up vocals, Rhett saying cornhole slowly, and the background people saying "Cornhole!"

I think it's just confusing because there's so much going on in that one verse. But it's definately just Rhett and Links voices through the whole song.
How about in the karaoke version of the Cornhole song? Towards the end of the song, I swear I can faintly hear Link whispering the lyrics. It's most audible in the "I'm changing my name to Don Cornholio" part. Has anyone else noticed this?
Wow, that's kind of creepy
That's hilarious, actually! I'm just so relieved I actually heard it this time! I was getting ready to visit the audiologist! Don't scare an old woman like that!

Amazing how layered their stuff is. The music SEEMS deceptively simple, but it's clear a whole lot of work goes into the finished product.
Link Neal said:
U r correct Breanna, except that we r pretty sure it's rhett's voice raised a few octaves, not mine --- we did it just to give it an interesting effect. Thx for noticing!

Really? Well, I was close, then, at least. Thanks for the confirmation!

And Lynn, I totally agree. The work that goes into the music isn't apparent until you really start listening. Then it just blows you away!


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