
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

There are over 6 billion people in the world. All of them are saying things. Throughout history, people have said many things. One must try very hard to come up with something completely original. Something...that's never been said.

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"Rusty, if you feed them nocturnal badgers the pomegranate waffles one more time, I'm going to take away your velcro shoes."
"You know, I ain't never seen that there pink rhinoceros eat them celery stalks so fast. You'd think he'd been on some of them magic cheese curls that they put in them orange bags, Lester."
Nice one Emily! LOL!
The purple ant cheered victoriously as he stood at the top of the hill of Yellow flowers! :)
Epic! Who would ever say that???? Maybe in Antz2 Disney movie? Nah.
The cheese said to fish that he was welcome for the ever rowing moose antlers and the victorious Saskwatch ate all the purple lima beans that he could
No way anyone has ever said that!! So random!! Could you even remember that line?
That was just beautiful. WOW! I am impressed! And a little moved.
It would be cool if a monster truck were to be made out of an early 1990's Ford Taurus.

I'd call it Tyranno Taurus Rex.

Then it would just sit in the front of the house because monster trucks aren't street legal. :(
that was great!
hahahaha i luv it!


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