
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

so we are mythical beast well what kind of randler mythical beast are you?

i think this might be fun! i think im goin for the stage monkey lol haha...
what is your name?

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This is a small story I wrote up to explain how the Werepyres began:
The Werepyre's were a genetic transfusion of Werewolves and Vampires. The Transfusion was conducted by a deranged Scientist that seemed to just appear out of no where, this happened in the early 1300's. Although it was never officially revealed how he got in that little village, but he did leave a letter. It turned out that he was a time traveler, well, he built a time machine but it was only used once. He traveled to the early 1300's to uncover the truth about the disappearance of one of his ancestor's. The time machine broke down and left him stranded. When introduced to the theory of MYTHICAL BEAST* he hired the most ruthless warriors and captured 1 Werewolf and 1 Vampire. He then started test with equipment he had brought from the future, after about 2 years the Werewolf died of hunger, but the Vampire never did. After about 1 year the test were complete he injected a serum into the Vampire. Then he wrote a letter to himself and had it passed down his blood line, when he went back to his lab the Vampire was out of his cell. He killed the time traveler and took his notes and made a army of Werepyres.

Jack Stevenson The RowelPyranto said:
I'm a Werepyre, and for a name........................... Tagroll, Tagroll the Werepyre.
We are a Two Headed AlyCat

We used to be the Two Headed Gremlin, but we collectively agreed with ourselves, in saying that Gremlins weren't, "Cute enough."

we are an AlyCat, because thats what our Grandma wishes we named our youtube channel, so she calls us AlyCat

I'm a Roshuim. Those are great white beasts in Ted Dekker's Circle Trilogy. I really like those books so I decided my mythical beast name would be one of the creatures from 'Other Earth.'
That was the best gum...

Valerie.G (Rainbow Zebra) said:
I've decided to be a Rainbow Zebra. I'm working on a cool profile pic of it that I hope to get finished and posted soon! :)
chewbaquatch, chewbacca and sasquatch


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