
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

I'm gonna get a dog soon during my year of being 16 (the name Sonny has already been chosen), and I do know that they shed (which is why we're gonna stock up on brushes and stuff if we do find a Husky in the pound).

I know that their double coat helps them with cold and hot temperatures, which is good, cuz it does get kinda warm where I live (80-90 degrees mostly). I know not to shave the Husky because it would make them suffer in heat even more (unless it's for medical reasons, plus I won't let a groomer shave my dog).

I also love them because they are vocal, like one Husky named Mishka, who uses howls to simulate human speech.

I am in love with those sorts of breeds... <3

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