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Should Link Change His Hairstyle? (AKA Link's New Hairdo For The Win!)


On today's GMMore (Christmas 2015!), Link stated that he only wants approval for his new hairstyle (which most of us have seen) and doesn't want to be chided for it. So in retaliation (that's probably the wrong word) and compliance to that, FOR GOODNESS SAKE, do not be mean and do not complain or protest his new hairstyle! As I've stated numerous times before, it's his life and it's his hair! The previous posts are below so read them if you wish. LINK'S NEW HAIRSTYLE FOR THE WIN!


(20/12/15) Link's hair is up! Look in the comments to see it and read the stuff below for more context...


On today's GMM (7/12/15), Link obviously got a haircut (I'm certain he cut it himself) prior to the episode and it's probably going to be like that for a while. His wings are virtually non-existent now. I know that just for making this discussion seems a bit judgemental and shallow as we are just talking about someone's hairstyle but I want to know what people think. Do you think that the absence of Link's wings is good? Either way, Link's wings are probably going to be really mythical now - both imaginary and awesome (but some of his wings are still there). Consider the other people's comments but don't chastise them for their opinions if they happen to differ from your own. Remember - "Opinions are like buttholes: everybody's got one and they usually stink" (Link said that). And be nice! It's his bleedin' hair and his bleedin' life! BYMB!

Original post is below -

On today's Good Mythical More episode (9/9/2015) "Should Link's hair go up?", it was revealed that 75% of Mythical Beasts like Rhett's hairstyle better than Link's. Link, Rhett and the crew then started to experiment with Link's hair. Link's new hairstyles mainly consisted of no wings and his fringe going up. Should Link make his hair go up? I would usually think that most would think he shouldn't as there is a whole song about hair going up and down so the song would be "My hair goes up. My hair goes up" rather than the latter being down. Also, there is a group on this Kommunity with people whose hair goes down and Link's iconic hairstyle is a part of the logo but he really should get to decide (although the logo HAS been changed before and in the old logo, Link didn't even have his glasses!). Watch the video to view the hairstyles or watch the end of the 7th Mythical Show episode to see another one. You can also look at the "Our Bad Hairstyles" episode to see his hairstyles from when he was younger or just watch older videos. Of course, there have been many different hair configurations such as Rhett's chinstrap, Link's moustache and Link's beard being introduced but then being changed but if Link changes his hair, it would defy them all. Please let us know of your opinion (but don't be mean) and feel free to photoshop some new hairstyle suggestions! Just keep in mind that it is his decision and we cannot pressure or coerce him into keeping/changing his hairstyle. It's his life and it's his hair. Same with Rhett (although I think he's pretty proud of his survey-winning hair). 

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Remember his beard? It is the exact same thing. He does something new for a change-that everyone has been asking for- but then there is so much negative feedback, so he goes back to his original haircut. I just personally like this haircut as much as his last ;)

I felt like I was the only one that liked his beard...

I liked his beard, too! I kinda wonder what it would look like if he had a beard to go along with his new hairstyle. :-)

Yeah his beard would probably match this hairstyle better. But it might mean double negativity:( If he doesn't let it all get to him, everyone will become used to it. Everything eventually must change

Did anyone else really like it when Rhett's hair was down in the "Style in Seconds" challenges?

Yes! He could EASILY keep that as his normal hair style & still be amazing. :) 

Personally, I really like his new hairstyle. I really felt for him that time he talked about wanting to change his hair, but worried about how the fans would react (I can't remember which episode that was). I'm glad he took the plunge and got something new. Once everyone gets used to it I think most of the negativity will subside. The same thing happened when he changed glasses, and I'd say most people like his new ones now. 

Whatever makes him happy....

I really like the new hairstyle. It really suits him. It's a big change, but it looks great. Have either Rhett or Link said anything about it yet, and also, where is the picture from? At first I thought it was fake, but I guess not. Anyway, it really looks great on him and I'm glad he changed it up a bit. Very excited for when we see it on GMM!

It made me sad to hear Link talking about the backlash he'll get for doing something as simple and ordinary as changing his hair - the internet can be such an ugly place. I'm so glad most of us true mythical beasts are supportive! I love the new style and can't wait to see more of it.

I don't really think it is is much of a big deal if he changes his hair style. He should do what he think feels right for him. I honestly like that look he made in GMMORE one time. That suits him well

I don't like it personally. I just... I would rather see him in the opposite direction... with extremely long hair! But, I love him, and if that's what he wants, I don't really mind. After all, it's just hair and it can grow back.


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