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Quick poll - should Rhett and Link keep on playing video games/doing "Let's Play"s? BYMB!

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no, i really dont like gaming videos. there are MILLIONS of gaming channels already if people want to watch that stuff. wish rhett and link didnt have to jump on that gaming bandwagon that every single youtuber is already doing. 

its fine though i guess i just dont watch those GMMore episodes. 

There's a whole genre of Let's Plays about people not being gaming experts, and actually just being really BAD at the games they're playing. They aren't pretending that they're walking you through a grand experience or doing any full playthroughs of long games ... they're spending about 15 minutes making dad jokes and showing their generational divide while they struggle to not suck so much.

They definitely do NOT need their own channel (whose idea was that) for just the LP's, but contained to GM More twice a month? That's fine. I like it.

I love playing games, but I also like watching other people play, sometimes because I get stuck on a part and want to watch someone else do it to see how it's done.. other times I just watch to see the person and their reactions for entertainment.

Not all "let's play" videos are the same, .. yeah the same game might of been played by others but it's the people's personalities that are different each time! 

Already replied to this before but wanted to say all that this time, so again.. Yes, they should! & I loved it when they played Slender haha 

FYI - YouTube fan Grave Whistler has compiled all of the Rhett and Link Let's Play Episodes into a playlist for your viewing pleasure.

Grave Whistler's the best



I think they should keep doing them, but not as part of Good Mythical More, maybe as like a 1-2 times a month bonus video or something. I like the lets plays but I prefer the unscripted conversation and bonus information from the main video.

eta: I also think they should either be longer or in parts. There were a few Lets Plays they did where I wanted to watch them progress further in the game. It would be fun to watch them beat a whole game.


Some of them are funny, but I think I agree that it's not quite their style. I'll pretty much watch them whatever they do though. :)

YES! But they should only play funny/silly games (ie. Octodad, Toast) or games that put them in funny situations (Slinderman, Five Nights). These GMMore episodes are some of my favorites!

I think it'd work a lot better if they stuck to one game for a while, so they could become decent at it and it isn't frustrating to watch. At the moment it's just 10 minutes of them barely getting to grips with a game, often playing it completely wrong.

Having said that, some of them I really enjoy! Octodad was a particular highlight. :D


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