
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Hello fellow Mythicl beasts i am writting here to  let you know that ther eis n important  thing goign on around tumblr called #SVEWOY. Wghat is woy you migth ask? It is Wander Over Yonder Created by Cria Mccrakken (He created powerpiff girls and fosters home for imaginry friends() Anyhow i m writting this becuase we as  as mythical beasts are a massive monster whocdan tackloe this issue please help  Save Woy mythical beasts it would mean the world not only to  me but the woy fans everywheere and craig himself  not to mention  the crew and staff of the  show and  if Rhettt and link get ivolved it would make things far easier becuase people wil llsiten to rhett and link. so please find it in your hearts to  to help  save woy.

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