
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Post below and introduce yourself! It's just like when you call in to our Kast: who are ya? where are ya? Plus, add anything else you wanna share. But don't embarrass yourself.

To tell us who you are, set up your profile page! We'd like to see your face and you can use the page to tell us about yourself.

To tell us where you are, head over to The Great American Road Trip group and put a pin in the map! Or, if you're an international kommunity member, raise your hand over at this group.

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Well I've been a part of the Kommunity for quite a while now so I guess I should finally reply to this discussion :). My name is Cara and I live in Connecticut. I'm 12 years old and will be 13 on October 18. You might know me as CaraBara from the live kast chatroom. I've been a big fan of Rhett and Link for about a year now. Their first video I ever saw was the Cheese Rap, so of course that's one of my favorites because it got me hooked on Rhett and Link (and the Facebook Song got me hooked on facebook LOL :D). I love meeting all of the other Rhett and Link fans in the Kommunity! That's probably why I'm on here so much. So, get to know me and send me a message! I really want to meet you all :).
I'm "Vicke", a 17 year old guy from the northern (well middle actually) Sweden, and i really really enjoy Rhett and Links videos and songs.


I'm also at YouTube with the accountname of VickeX
Hello! Im Rachelle Mendola. Im going to be 15 in 2 months and I live in South Berwick Maine. I love to listen to 60's and 70's music. My favorite band is The Beatles. Also I love my youth group and my church is amazing =]

I first heard about Rhett and Link a few months ago. My brother typed "song" in the the search bar in youtube and got the Shamwow song. We thought the song was wicked funny so we went to look up other songs from them. Now me and my brother are obsessed with watching their videos! The second video I ever watched by them was the Maine Man song. I loved that one! It was soo funny! You guys are amazing!
Hey all, I'm Genevieve. I live in Southern California, a little bit northeast of Los Angeles (I'm always down in the city for random adventures). I'm a teacher. I'm almost 27. (Almost as in, my birthday is this Sunday.) I've met the guys twice. First at YouTube Live in San Francisco last year, and then just this past weekend at the 789 Gathering in NYC. Good times.
I'm Amaryllis and right now I live in Florida, though I was born in Chicago and lived there for 10 years. I'm super excited because I'm going to college in Dallas, Texas this fall! I'll be all by my lonesome over there, but I don't mind since I'm pretty much a loner anyway. =D
Howdy people! Name's Noah I'll be 14 on September 19th. I live in PA not far from Philadelphia(that's all I'll say). I love music(Been learning to play the guitar since November now and I"m pretty good I guess) I like to read, write, and be random. I attend a youth group at my church and everyone there is awesomely fun and random! This place looks awesome and stuff and I'm sure it is. It's great to be here and I hope to make some friends ^_^.
Hi all, I am Mel. I would use my full given name, but then people tend to confuse me with a certain NPR personality, so Mel is all you get. I reside in Ypsilanti (aka Ypsi-tucky), Michigan. I work in retail and am (finally) finishing up a bachelor's degree online. It used to be the perfect set-up; I work when I am required and "go to school" whenever I want...then I came across Rhett and Link, and now I find more and more of my time in front of the computer is spent watching them. I'm pretty sure my school will not be giving me any credits for that.

My current favorite R&L song is "Robot Girlfriend". I just can't help but love any song that mentions Voltron. I have many fond memories of being in first grade and re-enacting episodes during recess with my friends. Ah, good times. We were not exactly what you would call the "cool kids".

(but I'm pretty sure we could have taken the Thundercats kids, if it had ever come down to that.)
hahaha thundercat kids!

Mel said:
Hi all, I am Mel. I would use my full given name, but then people tend to confuse me with a certain NPR personality, so Mel is all you get. I reside in Ypsilanti (aka Ypsi-tucky), Michigan. I work in retail and am (finally) finishing up a bachelor's degree online. It used to be the perfect set-up; I work when I am required and "go to school" whenever I want...then I came across Rhett and Link, and now I find more and more of my time in front of the computer is spent watching them. I'm pretty sure my school will not be giving me any credits for that.

My current favorite R&L song is "Robot Girlfriend". I just can't help but love any song that mentions Voltron. I have many fond memories of being in first grade and re-enacting episodes during recess with my friends. Ah, good times. We were not exactly what you would call the "cool kids".

(but I'm pretty sure we could have taken the Thundercats kids, if it had ever come down to that.)
I'm Kailey. I'm 14 years of age, and I live in Green Bay, WI. I am un employed. lol. I am going to be a freshman at Preble High this year. Woohooo! I have a little brother named Devon, and a best friend thats pretty much a sister, named Jane, and we are both the same age. That is about it, so...yeah. (:
Hi! I'm Andrew a.k.a Waldo. I like deer hunting, bass fishing, and extending credit to all people (not really) I'm white, and I love the Red House. I live in the Chicago area, and the Red House is for me. And I will make it one day... one day some how someway. I do not like G-U-A-C-A-M-O-L-E, but I do like Chicken & Waffles. I prefer unicorns over horses, and I do not deface public property with obscene graffiti. I do enjoy coloring mythical beasts, too. I say wow everytime I use a Shamwow. I am extremely suspicious of a creature so slimey that traverses the ground. The doom seed had not yet germinated, and my iPod does not need to be rescuscitated (or however you spell that). I feel it's time for soaking, me myself and my clothing... FIN
I'm Ruth, also known in the youtube and ning world as ghostritten87. I'm from England, I'm 21 years old and a history student. I like Lemony Snicket, purple, pineapple pizza, Threadless t-shirts and Zambia. I'm a nerdfighter. My favourite Rhett and Link song is The Proposed Official Song of the Tourist Information Board of Wales, although I have been known to burst into song with "G-U-A-C-A-M-O-L-E *pause* Guacamoleeeeeee!" at strange hours.
OK, my turn.
I only found Rhett and Link a few days ago but have thoroughly enjoyed watching ALL their videos. I think my all time favorite has to be the Taco Bell Folk Song. I love the shock on their faces when the guy actually reads back the order, LMAO.
As for me, I'm a happily married, stay at home mother of one (2 in March). I live in Southern Ontario, Canada. We live a bit of a different lifestyle since we are Pagan and raising our daughter following Attachment Parenting. I'm also a co-leader of my friends SpiralScouts circle.
I guess that's all for now. As you can see, I'm a bit odd, so I should fit in perfectly here, LOL
Blessings to all,


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