
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Post below and introduce yourself! It's just like when you call in to our Kast: who are ya? where are ya? Plus, add anything else you wanna share. But don't embarrass yourself.

To tell us who you are, set up your profile page! We'd like to see your face and you can use the page to tell us about yourself.

To tell us where you are, head over to The Great American Road Trip group and put a pin in the map! Or, if you're an international kommunity member, raise your hand over at this group.

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I am Charlotte and I am from Dartford,UK! Sadly it wont let me upload my profile picture on my phone and I can not get on my PC but I'll try describe myself.I have long red hair AKA 'ginger' l,I have very dark brown eyes and I guess you could say I am skinny but eh.Anyway,pale,red hair,brown eyes das it,peace! Btw,I have watched,GMM for about 3 months but I have at least watched 3 seasons worth of GMM + endless times of watching the music videos!
Im Brennan from MD. I like to binge watch GMM and blog on this website. I'm a ginga.

I'm Reece Williams.  I love watching good mythical morning, I am also new to this kommunity but have been watching videos for 8 months.  The first GMM i ever watched was 4 coolest ghost towns.  I have watched every since.  I have also made ideas for wheel endings and will it and taste test games.  I live  in Zionsville, Indiana and I cannot wait for the new season!


I'm Lily From South Carolina! Like Rhett and Link :) except I live in Myrtle Beach. I also find it very coincidental that Link's daughter and I have the same name. Which means that I think Lily should be on the show as much as Rhett's kids. I'm not saying I don't like his kids but I think Link's kids should do something like open mail or something. Anyway I'm glad to be here and I hope you guys like me :)

I'm Tori

@hey_its_tori on twitter and @toriannnn on instagram

Im 17 and from PA and i just really want to be a famous youtuber. But i am uncreative and shy. anyway  When my homie Brooke first told me about Rhett and Link she said they were married with children and i thought she meant Rhett and link were married to each other. I started binge watching Good Mythical morning and i am addicted i think maybe.

Me and Homie brooke made a rhett and link tumblr www.mythicalmustache.tumblr.com

My name is Madelyn and I'm from Keymar, Maryland. I am 13 years old.

Currently I am working on a complex piece of fan mail for you guys that I will hopefully be done with at the end of the month. Also I might be addicted to all of your channels.
Hey I'm Brooke, Tori's homie ^, from PA I'm 16 and I think if I went on it would get embarrassing sooo
Hi, I am Liv. I live in Denver, Colorado. I am terrible at organizing my room, and I type on the dvorak keyboard.
Hey, I'm Trevor. I'm 20 and a biology student. I live with my girlfriend in gainesville Florida with our two cats Lydia and Stella Luna.

My parents introduced me to GMM Christmas 2014 and I've been binge watching ever sense.

Link, I had the same experience with my first vehicle, a ford bronco. Brought it off road with my best friend (also named Trevor) who also had a bronco. Too set the scene imagine 2 dumb 16 year old kids from south Florida driving around a swamp smashing our heads into the dash and loving it. Long story short my transmission blew too pieces after only a few weeks of torture.

That poor bronco.

I'm Tony Brown, I am from Chesapeake, Virginia. I am student, 16 years of age, a volunteer for the Norfolk SPCA, and also a HUGE Pro. Wrestling fan! I have been a fan of GMM for probably 7 months now, and I am unhealthily addicted to the show every weekday. ;D

Name's Perry Ross from AZ. Just joined the Kommunity and already love it! I discovered Rhett and Link about a year ago, and am a all-in mythical beast now. ;) 

Hi! I'm Gina.  I live in Cleveland, Ohio.  I am a graduate student studying mental health counseling.  I have one more semester to go Wahoo.   I found Rhett and link while watching some youtube videos about 2 years ago and I have been hooked ever since.  I really love the taste test videos and the never wet video.  


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