
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Post below and introduce yourself! It's just like when you call in to our Kast: who are ya? where are ya? Plus, add anything else you wanna share. But don't embarrass yourself.

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Hi, my name is Koei. I came across GMM randomly about a 3 weeks ago and I could not stop watching, Rhett and Link are so funny! I enjoy the kind of humor they have, and I generally learn something new every episode. The thing that hooked me for good was the surprising lack of language, it is SO hard these days to find a good, fun and clean show.
I live way out in the sticks with my parents, one sister,four bros and a cousin. I am trying to get them to watch GMM too :-)

Hi, everyone! I'm from Pennsylvania. I found Rhett and Link, while wandering through Youtube, looking for stuff to watch.
Hello, My Name is Karen, and I'm from Chile :) I'm 19, I'm a manicurist/nail artist... and in a few days I'll start college to become an Illustrator :) I became a fan about two or three weeks ago, and now I can't stop watching videos, i've stayed til' 4 am watching old GMM episodes like A LOT of times and now I guess that i'm obsessed lol... anyways, I hope to meet some mythical beasts from Chile here (or any country actually, i just wanna make some friends) aaaaand now I'll leave before I embarrass my self :) (forgive me if something is misspelled) bye!
Hey guys I'm Savannah and I'm from Tennessee. I heard about gmm from one of my friends and now I'm hooked
Hey everyone Cx my name is Aaron, I'm from california and I found GMM through one of my friends. I was having a hard time cause my parents had passed and my friend said to look the up. They have helped me feel much better. Btw I'm 17

Hey everyone. Ben here reporting in from Ireland. Only just discovered the greatness that is Rhett & Link this past week and have been binge watching tons of MME since! 

Haha I guess I'm a little tardy to the party for this post but I'm Josh King, newborn mythical beast of GMM. I'm from South Carolina and I try to watch a little bit of Rhett and Link everyday. They really know how to brighten your morning and start the day off well. If you guys read this, thanks for working so hard and being awesome people! And that includes your production team :) Congratulations on all you have accomplished together and I hope you continue to entertain and inspire this world. Thanks and keep it up!!

I'm Maggie and I'm from a really small town in Iowa. I'm 17 so I'm a senior in high school (but I'm also taking college classes). I'm studying to be a Certified Public Accountant, so I'm kind of a nerd. I've recently started watching GMM everyday and am working to watch all of their old episodes. My 7 year old sister is in love with Rhett and Link :) Thanks, Rhett and Link, for being so awesome! 

Hi Guys. :) My name is Stacy. I realised I have known about Rhett and Link for a long time (thanks to the T-shirt wars video) but never actually KNOWN who they are properly. I'm a huge watcher of Nerdy Nummies and I found GMM through that, and now I'm hooked on everything R&L. It's funny how quickly you can get so into something. 

I'm 25 (26 in September) and I'm an English Teacher from Manchester, England. Can't think of anything else to put. Haha. :)

My name is Erika I'm Mexican and I am going to send them a letter including a dream I had about them Since they talk about dreams I wish I could meet them in real life like if u want to meet them in real life too!!!
The name is Mason, I'll be 19 on Sunday I'm from suburban Iowa (still surrounded by corn). I started watching GMM in December.

I'm an aspiring blacksmith who is currently building his forge. As soon as that is done I'll be setting up an account on Etsy to sell my products and make it easy to get paid.

Other than that I play Magic: the Gathering and Dungeons & Dragons. Combine blacksmithing with tabletop games and I'm the ultimate geek.

That's so cool! What kind of products would you be selling on your store?


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