
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

I am totally sticking my neck out here to get this discussion going!  I HOPE to get  some great ideas that are affordable and feasible and BIG enough to celebrate the big FOUR O!  There have been some small discussions happening here and there with some pretty amazing ideas for a Kommunity gift, but we need to get them down and get them catalogued. The way I see it, we have a month to plan and then production had better start to get it there on time.

I don't think that too many tangible items are realistic.  I am not an editor of any kind..(NOT ASSUMING I AM TAKING ON THIS PROJECT AGAIN BUT FOR WHOEVER DOES....) editing together clips of fans would be a tedious and time consuming job.  Not that he's not worth it, but unless someone has 100% of their time to devote to this (which one of you may..*wink wink*) it may turn out to be a mess not worthy of such a milestone birthday.  I think the books are always nice, but for this birthday we should think of something more special. ALSO, VERY IMPORTANT... I know jokes are made about Rhett buying useless things but the use of the mousepad from his last gift shows that things that are useful in every day life/business will be probably best. 

Remember, the Beast taking on this job will use their time and money to get the gift completed and shipped so making it as easy as possible is best. 

Turn your thinkers on and lets make this milestone...that I will share with him only 11 days later... a great one. When one of you decides to head up the project, a separate discussion can be started by you to avoid confusion.


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I like this idea. Get everyone together to find things something that is fun/relaxing in all the cities they will be in. 

So what are we going to do? I was going to ask whoever does the book(if it is a book) if I can make something and mail to them(whoever) and pay the extra to have it mailed with the book. I want to make wood/plaid crochet pillows. Or is the too girly? :)
Add something to these phases
Wood you could you should you

Beans means dreams

Maybe we could create a website for Rhett with sections like:

  • Birthday art
  • 40 reasons we love Rhett
  • Maybe a song similar to the "70 is when you die" one, but less gruesome
  • A mythical beast video
  • Rhett Reminders - where we could put his top 40 best moments, or have 365 different reminders for him to read everyday until his next birthday
  • and maybe something completely random to confuse him (idk maybe a bunch of bananas)

This why, everyone can contribute.Artists, musicians, editors, writers and just all round loving mythical beasts.

These ideas are probably no good, but if you like it, let me know.

I think this is an interesting variation -- so instead of having 40 sections broken out to correspond with 40 reasons we love Rhett, there are fewer sections but with more variety of subject matter and possible contributions.

I'm not sure if either option is any easier than the other; both seem fairly complicated, because they each require MBs agreeing on the subject matter and finding people who have the skills or interest to match up with each section. I don't really have a conclusive opinion, haha, but it is an interesting idea.

I really like the idea of doing 40 of something.

 So many great ideas.

Does anyone here letterbox? What about a 40th birthday sears in and around where they live. I'm sure some people could carve stamps and others could put the boxes together to hide and create clues to fallow. 

Letterboxing: Combines artistic ability with "treasure-hunts" in parks, forests, and cities around the world. Participants seek out hidden letterboxes by cracking codes, telling stores and following clues. The prize: an image from a miniature piece of art known as a rubber stamp—usually a unique, hand-carved creation.

I really like the book idea. I like both ideas! But, I think I like the book thing a bit more. Since he has gotten books from all of us before, maybe we could try something else, I just don't know what.

Hello, everyone. I am a semi-pro artist and would like to offer my time and skills to lead this project (if we're doing a book and if you guys will have me).

I think I can create a decent book if we're going with that. I can also make a free website on Wix etc. to mirror the book for public viewing using the files made, or I can delegate that part to someone else.

My thoughts:

1. I know that books have been done in the past but I think that a compilation book is perfect for a milestone like turning 40

2. I suggest we keep everything simple instead of complex. Simple book, simple website. If we're going with the "40 reasons" idea, we keep them nice and brief (some funny, some heartfelt). I can find graphics/photos to go with each thing.

3. I can cover the cost of the book. But if other MBs would like to chip in, that would be great too.

Hi, Ari -- thanks for volunteering your time and abilities. :) We also already had someone else volunteer to build a Wordpress-based website for the birthday project (see here: http://rhettandlinkommunity.com/xn/detail/2452419:Comment:2302113). I'm not sure we've yet reached an agreement about whether or not there will be both a physical and digital component, or just one of those options, but if we do end up with a matching book and website, it would be really great to have your skills to put the book together.

The idea of the birthday projects we've done in the past is for them to be highly personalized for Rhett or Link and from the Mythical Beasts -- they have been full of MB-created artwork, letters, photos, and other contributions. I think we'd want to steer clear of existing or stock graphics and photos, in that light.

I guess I had a different idea of what the book might be. I thought you guys needed the book to be put together from quotes from MBs about Rhett (e.g. reasons they love him) with added illustrations. And I didn't mean stock graphics per se, they would mostly be my own illustrations and maybe screencaps from GMM etc.

I saw a couple books from the past, I just thought we were doing something different this year.

So, whatever I can be of help (e.g. if a book cover is needed), you guys can let me know.

That day is the PSAT day for this year, and I may not have school that day because I'm a senior so I don't have to take it. So I get to celebrate Rhett's birthday all by myself without worrying about retaking any exams or work or anything


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