
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

07.2016 - I've finally put together a master post with these interview links! Find it here: http://rhettandlinkommunity.com/profiles/blogs/rhett-and-link-inter...

If you have any other interviews to add, please continue to submit them in this thread as a comment and with source links. Thanks!


I haven't found a place here that has aggregated Rhett and Link's interviews...so now here's a place!

Help me out, Beasts -- I'd like to get links (and video/audio embeds, if possible) of any digitally available interviews Rhett and Link have given over the years. These could be TV appearances, radio interviews, podcast interviews, news articles (only ones that actually feature an interview with them -- not basic write ups), etc. They don't have to be 100% serious, but they do have to involve directly talking with R&L to get insight from them. This can also include fan Q&A sessions.

Here are just a few to get started.

Lopez Tonight (George Lopez) - April 14, 2010

Conan (Conan O'Brien) - July 21, 2011

Pt. 1: http://teamcoco.com/video/rhett-mclaughlin-and-link-neal-get-coloni...

Pt. 2: http://teamcoco.com/video/rhett-mclaughlin-and-link-neal-interview-...

Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA) - April 22, 2013


(collected answers) http://interviewly.com/i/rhett-and-link-apr-2013-reddit

The World's Highest Paid YouTube Stars 2015 (Forbes) - October 14, 2015


With an embedded video where R&L answer a question: http://www.forbes.com/video/4555950979001/

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Ethan Klein just revealed on his latest H3H3 podcast with Phillip DeFranco that R&L will be joining him and Hila for an interview soon. So hyped. 

"Rhett & Link Bring Jimmy a Christmas Elf on a Booty Shelf," The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, December 18, 2017: https://youtu.be/Dk0j6zM6FfQ

"YouTube Stars Rhett and Link taste test unique gingerbread avocado toast, scrambled eggnog," Good Morning America, December 19, 2017: https://youtu.be/q_7iVByAWJY

Bonus Facebook Live segment, where they eat another Christmas-ified food: https://www.facebook.com/GoodMorningAmerica/videos/10155251357772061/

The statement by GMA segment host Michael Strahan that they have over FOUR BILLION views, I ran the numbers myself.  Lots of crossover on the number of subscribers, so let's just guestimate more than 13Million in total, but with all the related R&L channels combined there are now more than 5.2Billion views!!!

"That's a Match" with Rhett & Link,"  The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Published December 19, 2017   https://youtu.be/Artdb6L9z3U

"The Rhett and Link Story - Playing to Your Strengths," YouTube Creator Academy, April 15, 2014: https://youtu.be/7NGNmId28bc

I must've forgotten to record this one here --

"Fans are worried the internet’s biggest daily show is getting too big," Vice News, November 13, 2017: https://news.vice.com/en_us/article/pazzxb/fans-are-worried-the-int...

Full video of the interview: https://youtu.be/SFR7tydO10k?t=17m45s 

Whoops, can't believe I didn't have this in the list yet...

"Q&A: 100K Kommunity Member VLOG!" August 14, 2015: https://youtu.be/irqBiVpeVIc


"We're Rhett & Link, and This Is How We Work," Lifehacker, February 7, 2018: https://lifehacker.com/were-rhett-link-and-this-is-how-we-work-1822...

"H3 Podcast #51 - Rhett & Link (Good Mythical Morning)," H3H3 Productions, live on February 15, 2018, uploaded February 16: https://youtu.be/ZxLex9d5Rek

Man, this was chock-full of interesting R&L information and opinions.

It was a little validating to hear that they pinned their golden age on 2009, because that's right where I placed it before they answered.

"These YouTubers created a $255 Taco Bell 'Crunchwrap Supreme' — here's what it tastes like," CNBC Make It, February 24, 2018: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/02/23/good-mythical-mornings-255-taco-bel...

This is mostly a recap of the GMM segment where they made a fancy Crunchwrap Supreme, but Rhett actually gave CNBC a statement about what eating it was like, so this counts for interview purposes.


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