
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Everyone has something random that they would like to announce to the world, but there's one problem. It's just too random. It has no place or purpose. Now, it does. Post the things that randomly pop into your head here.

My random thought:
I wonder whats up with all of the bands in the sixties that had misspelled names of animals. "The BeAtles....The BYrds...the MonkEEs...." Wow.

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The last time the French government used the guillotine to execute a convicted criminal wasn't in the 1700s or 1800s -- it was 1977.
Why is it that I never have anything interesting to say on these forums and end up looking like a fool posting a comment like this?
This isn't really a random thought so much as it is a random confession, but...

I've decided after 4 years of pretty much being a stay at home mom that I'd really much rather be getting a college education and doing something more creative with my time. Mind you, aside from the 6 hours/week that I work at the dentist's office, my main interactions on a day to day basis are mainly with my husband and 3 1/2 year old daughter. So, currently I might be slightly socially inept. My husband and I are both self-proclaimed dorks and frequently speak to each other in lolcats just to make the other giggle and make the day a little more interesting. About a week ago a college recruiter called me, and guess how I answered the phone....

"O hai!"

Let's hope the lady on the other end heard, "Oh, hi!" and not what it actually was - a socially deprived 23 year old stay at home mom greeting her in lolcats. *facepalm*
Is it okay if I have two random thoughts in a row? :)

Went to a gas station today to pick up my bi-daily 32 oz. Big Swig of Dr. Pepper (yes...I have an addiction!), and noticed there was a new, larger sized cup sitting on the shelf. I usually feel like the 32 oz. I get is huge, as it is almost a liter and takes me most of the day to finish it. But this new, bigger cup? - One hundred ounces! Part of me thought, "Oooo. I could put a lot of Dr. Pepper in that," but then I started thinking, "Kidney stones...cavities...weight gain...sugar rush...inevitable sugar crash...RESIST!" I, personally, have never seen a 100 oz. Big Swig before today, and I hope I never see one again...mostly because I'm afraid I might buy one.
Haha, Yeah we ran out of sunscreen at the pool and I thought "oh, I'll be alright without it"

I wasn't. LOL
My random thought is more of a story.

My friend Kyra and I went to the pool as we usually do every few weeks. One problem: it was closed. Rented out to a private party. No problem, there was another public pool about a mile away that we could use. So, we go to that one. My dad goes in to see about fees etc etc. since we'd never been to that pool before. While we're waiting, we are standing beside a fence and we are yelled racial remarks at. I'm not going to post what I said here because it was simply horrifying and not family-friendly...Mind you these kids were in their early teens or younger, yelling things that I haven't even heard some adults say! Directed toward US! Two girls just wanting to go swimming and cool off! We were to say the least insulted... And Like I said, we'd never been to that pool before....and do I even have to tell you that we didn't go swimming and we're never going back?

So my random thought is:
Why are some people not even allowed to use public facilities anymore without being cussed out, made fun of, or stared at?

I'm sorry, I'm just a little mad....haha.
Kyra and I ended up going back to her place and watching YouTube videos. Hahaha. It definitely wasn't swimming, but it was an okay alternative I suppose. Her mom called the pool and they apologized profusely...even though it wasn't their fault...I really would've preferred an apology from the kids who hurt our feelings.
Random thought: Why is the good tea always expensive?
Humpty Dumpty's Great Fall would make a hardcore name for a roller coaster. If The Big Bad Wolf worked then why not Humpty Dumpty's Great Fall?
Weasels and Boll Weevils really don't have much in common at all, but they sort of sound similar.
What if Weebls really did fall down?
My random thought: I wonder if cheerios were invented by a British person. (Cheerio, mate!)


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