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Ah, the ultimate clash of soda pop brands... which one do you like better?

After I thought up the idea for this discussion, I decided to make sure there wasn't one about that already. While searching, I discovered that it was ironically the theme for Cara's Bent Object KBE entry!! I read the comments and realized that many people in the Kommunity have definite opinions about this, so I can't wait to find out which one wins!

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Well i'm from Scotland which may be the only place on earth where Coke is not the most popular drink lol but out of the two Pepsi is cheaper and the taste isn't different enough for me to care so it's Pepsi for me :)
If i lived in the states i wouldnt touch any "soda" as they all use high fructose corn syrup which is truly horrible stuff!
COKE! Though my true beverage of choice is Dr. Pepper. :)
Personally I believe that pepsi tastes weird, and Coke is also delicious. But deliciousness is in the tongue of the beholder, (I'm so clever) and propose to explore the other aspects of the cola brands. Let's think...... Oh wait, that's right Coca Cola CREATED SANTA CLAUS. Therefore Coca Cola will forever reign superior.
Coke of course! Though I can occasionally enjoy a can of ice cold Diet Pepsi from time to time.


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