
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

For school My friend and i have to make a thingy... and we desided to do it about u guys :D (r&l :D) And we wanna get the information we put in it right... And a few days ago i found this : http://www.newsobserver.com/2010/09/15/683045/internet-sensations-0... article on the internet... and it mentions the age of u guys... But i wanna know if they had it right (it was written on: 09.19.10 so rhett's age is wrong... (there has to be counted one more year to it))... so the question is:

Is link 32 and rhett 33... or is link older and are u both 32???? or are those ages completely wrong :P


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Rhett just turned 33 and Link is 32. :)


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