
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

The new Official KBE! Here's the prompt from Rhett&Link-->
It's the "Pull-Ups Videos" Kommunity Building Exercise!

First, watch Rhett&Link's video HERE

Then, upload a video of yourself doing pull-ups right here on the Kommunity.
Important Note: We must see your whole body!

DEADLINE: Thursday night, January 14, 2010, at midnight EST.

PRIZE: Signed copy of our new CD (and poster), "Up To This Point"

New to the Kommunity? Here's a short lesson on how to upload a video to the kommunity!

1. Click on the "Beast Videos" tab up above.
2. In the upper right hand corner of this new page (next to your username and info after you log into the kommunity), you should see a bold plus-sign with the words "Add Videos." Click these words!!
3. You should now see a blue box that says "Click to Add Videos." Click that!
4. It should be self explanatory from here but if not, please ask! The moderators are here to help and are rather jolly spirits!


Lauren [Razom] http://tinyurl.com/ybgnma3 (joke entry)
Adrian Figurski http://tinyurl.com/y982s7v
Wesley Lo http://tinyurl.com/ycl7xdw
Wesley Lo (2nd) http://tinyurl.com/ybskmem
Ben Burton (Mr. Frumious) http://tinyurl.com/yatweez

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okay then! let's see it!

Julia Starr said:
I knew that pull up bar we got would come in handy one day! I'm definitely entering.
this is annoying. because i didnt know the difference between pull ups and chin ups, and i thought i did realy well :(
Well in my first video I didn't have the proper grip so I made another one..
37 this time

Here you go. Not enough to take the lead, but it was still good exercise... http://rhettandlink.ning.com/video/13-beastly-pullups
Okay, the contest is closed to new entries. To view all the videos, see the original post and click on any "tinyURL."
Also, my 2nd attempt is not included in tiny URL's, also posted it yesterday before contest closed :)

David Anbinder said:
One question... where's my entry ????
it was posted yesterday within the time limit
Lynn (The E-Ministrator) said:
Okay, the contest is closed to new entries. To view all the videos, see the original post and click on any "tinyURL."
I'm guessing since it says "joke entry," that means I can't win? xD
Oh well, I saw it coming and I'm just glad everybody enjoyed it. ^^
poop i missed the deadline! i didn't watch the video until today and i can do like 20. BOOOOO maybe somebody did more than that.


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