
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

I am a thoughtful girl and I've been wondering why do we have obsessions? Human beings do but animals don't. I would love to see you guys talk about this and why we have them. I was watching this show called my crazy obsession and it was creepy yet cool and facinating at the same time. They went from a couple's 5000 cabbadge patch doll collection, a woman obsessed with the color pink to the point she even colored her dog pink and would only eat pink food to other crazy and odd obsessions. Plus not all obsessions are the same, some are collecting things to being obsessed with people or an activity. I wonder if you use your research radar what kind of crazy things you can find. 

Another topic I think would be fun to discuss is chivalry in modern life. Is it true Chivalry is dead and does it mean the same to everyone? Plus girls are being raised to believe they need to be a pretty princess and be rescued by a prince charming. Do guys ever grow up wanting to be the dashing prince and rescue a damsel in distress? Blame it on the Disney movies and over-glorified fairy tails. 

I know you hear it all the time but I love your show and watch it every morning. Best part is, it's a family ordeal now. We all watch and discuss your show together. We love you guys and hope you continue to bring internetainment to all of the mythical beasts out there!

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