
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Me and my friends had gone downstairs to get some breakfast because we had just had a spend the night and were, (VERY Hungry). We got the pancake mix out and were horrified at what we saw...

 At first we thought they were fleas and freaked out. Then my dad explained to us they were bowl weavels. Oh that is much better. Ahg!





Me holding bowl weavels.    Me destroying the Bowl       Me destroying any possible

                                             weavels little camp.               survivors....

 Once more just to be safe....

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ahg the captions and images didn't come out quite right. But you get the disgusting picture...
Thats gross... But they could've been millipedes or wood lice(potato bugs, rolly polllies, sow bugs... Etc..) which I think would be grosser. Or rats! 
I've always thought weevils were kinda cute.,. At my old house there were a bunch always crawling around our property and my brother and I would collect them and put them in a hole or something.. Not bury them though! We called them slow bugs 'cause they're so slow and we disnt know their real name.
And I think it's supposed to be spelled "boll weevil".
I looked it up recently 'cause we found some sunbathing on our windowsills and I still hadn't figured out what they were.
Lol your probably right. And any kind of bugs are gross *shivers* Eug!

None O'YerBusiness (GammaLlama) said:
Thats gross... But they could've been millipedes or wood lice(potato bugs, rolly polllies, sow bugs... Etc..) which I think would be grosser. Or rats! 
I've always thought weevils were kinda cute.,. At my old house there were a bunch always crawling around our property and my brother and I would collect them and put them in a hole or something.. Not bury them though! We called them slow bugs 'cause they're so slow and we disnt know their real name.
And I think it's supposed to be spelled "boll weevil".
I looked it up recently 'cause we found some sunbathing on our windowsills and I still hadn't figured out what they were.


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