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What would you personally like to be able to buy from them? I think, RandLer plushies and Cockatrice plushies.. Maybe gmm gloves? What do you think?

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I've always thought plushies would be an excellent idea! I really think people would like those. :)


MB Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken) designed this "Squishables" version of ou old friend RandLer a while back. Maybe it's time for him to go into production and into the Kommunity Store.
I should think it would sell prettt well too! I was always wanting that little crocheted belvedere the cockatrice seen is some episodes.

GMM sweatpants would be kinda cool. 

I made an entire thing about gmm sweatpants and possible designs

I'd wear the shoes if they were brought back. I became a fan too late.

Sweatpants would be great!

I would like a watch but they probably wouldn't sell too well.

Plushies are a great idea!

A watch would be so cool!!!

I would love Rhett and Link plushieis and pillows!!!!

now I'm gonna think of more random stuff

  • bags- not those dumb drawstring ones
  • JEWLERY- fun Rhett and link or randler necklace?
  • headphones- how cool would it be to say that you're listening to Rhett and Link music through Rhett and Link headphones?!
  • socks- i love fun socks
  • puzzles- i love puzzles
  • school stuff- notebooks, writing utensils, 
  • more awesome shirt designs and jokes etc

sorry i love them and i just got really excited for a second

We've already had socks. Where'd they go?

We NEED a Farewell Grandpa puzzle

When did they have socks? (Ive only been in this fandom since september of 2015.)

also that Farewell Grandpa puzzle is so dark and morbid!!!!!

Well, look at this episode of GMM.

They were announced on Twitter here and on GMM here.

I don't recall someone saying that they were going to be discontinued. I wonder what happened. I guess they were discontinued with the Mythical Shoes (I want them back so much!)


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