
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

[CLOSED] Let's name the GMM cockatrice! Leave your suggestions!

It was YOUR mythical suggestions that led to the terms "mythical beast" and the Kommunity mascot's name, "The Randler."  

Now, let's hear your ideas for what we should name the GMM cockatrice.  GO!


Lysh Fish has set up a ballot / poll for the name suggestions already posted in this discussion.

It allows only one vote per user and can be reached at: 


Thanks Lysa!  Post your poll results in this discussion on Sunday and we'll factor that in to our decision, okay?

I'll plan on CLOSING this discussion Sunday night (Sept 16th 2012), so let your voice be heard now!  Then, we'll announce our pick in an upcoming GMM episode...most likely next Friday's episode.


Views: 7537

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Hah, I like how you made the tail!

Bucky the cockatrice.  I don't know, I just like the sound of it.

lenardo, tabitha or garifina :P lol

Franklin, that has a nice ring.

Either Allen or Jonah


Okay, here's my idea. . .


Before you start thinking what I know your thinking, listen to this:

1. Gazette is a name for a newspaper, which the prime objective of is one that involves informing you with the latest news, goings-on, breakthroughs and over all it's just INFORMATION!! And if you look: The same thing applies to GMM!! Which is the show, for which, it opens. . . makes sense.

2. It sounds GREAT  when paired up like it would be, just say "Gazette the Cockatrice." See what I'm saying! it also sounds like a beastly name, BECAUSE you CAN'T name it something you would name your kid, like Delvin or Isaiah, it does NOT do it justice. . . makes sense.

h. The name fits, not exactly cuddly, but not Living-Death, kind of the Intimidating-friendship. . .  look at him and say it again "Gazette the Cockatrice." See what I'm saying! it also fits the opening of the show, Watch the opening and repeat  "Gazette the Cockatrice." See what I'm saying! It fits. . . makes sense.

Well, I know it's not as flashy and show-offy as Gumbo123's post, BUT, it is a better name! "Gazette the Cockatrice"

Feels, Sounds, Fits and is GREAT!!!! . . . makes sense.

I kinda like it! Point 2 is why I prefer Belvedere to Isaiah and some of the other beast's suggestions. I like how your suggestion relates to news and the content of GMM.

So now I'm torn between Belvedere and Gazette.

Why thank you,  now spread the word!

I like Isaiah



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