
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

[CLOSED] Let's name the GMM cockatrice! Leave your suggestions!

It was YOUR mythical suggestions that led to the terms "mythical beast" and the Kommunity mascot's name, "The Randler."  

Now, let's hear your ideas for what we should name the GMM cockatrice.  GO!


Lysh Fish has set up a ballot / poll for the name suggestions already posted in this discussion.

It allows only one vote per user and can be reached at: 


Thanks Lysa!  Post your poll results in this discussion on Sunday and we'll factor that in to our decision, okay?

I'll plan on CLOSING this discussion Sunday night (Sept 16th 2012), so let your voice be heard now!  Then, we'll announce our pick in an upcoming GMM episode...most likely next Friday's episode.


Views: 7661

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Linda, lets name her Linda.

Unfortunately, cockatrices are by definition male, since they're part rooster...

Another reason why Monday is a great name for it.

So far! Out of 16 votes. I don't know when we should end this and name him? People keep posting good ideas, too. 


Here are my thoughts on these options:

Belvedere: Good and mythical; I wouldn't mind losing to it.

Isaiah: As unexpected as it is, it's not that popular. it makes sense when you think, but it's not mythical.

Richie: I don't think it should be the name. Yes, the picture in there has him on it, but that doesn't mean you should name the cockatrice after him.

Quincy: It's nice, but not mythical. I wouldn't go for it.

Spike: As seen there it's not the best; Too. . . deathly punk-rocker.

Fluffy: Don't like it one bit. It's too common in pets and, and here's the main reason, it's not fluffy.

Gazette: I voted for it, but, of course, I made it. I like it and I gave really good reasons on page seven. So again, I give no reason here for I'm bias.

Ignacio: Eh, not the exact type of 'mythical' I'm looking for, though I still like it to a degree.

Monday: Too. . . common and known. It's well thought through, but not the right name, but it's still a good idea.

Toast: Random. Yes, it's related to the morning, but think; Other countries don't see it in the morning. They can if they wanted to, but this is still the case.

Other, please specify: A place for peoples ideas; If it wins it doesn't, because it's a lot of random ideas and if it does win, it's still a lot of different things and none of those are popular enough. In other words, your giving them false hope in that they, as in the other people, may not see the idea and, therefore, that idea won't have as much of a chance.

Thank you for listening.

Oh! And one more thing: How many votes does Gazette have???

Gazette currently has one vote. Not much has changed since yesterday! Belvedere is still winning. 

Bartholomew,  Machiavelli,  or Hausofel!


Perry the Cockatrice!

Do you mean, Perry the Agent Cockatrice?! Agent P!

Haha! Indeed my friend, Indeed! He'll have to wear a special hat too!

Thanks, LYSH FISH, for setting up the poll counter . . . I added my "semi-official" vote to the talley today . . . also like that the poll doesn't allow vote loading . . . only once per user.


Just for grins and giggles (and because I was already 17-pages deep into the suggestions and comments before I stumbled upon your brilliant idea) here is an up-to-the-moment talley of all the discussion forum informal voting for those of you keeping score at home:

  • Belvedere = 19 votes
  • Richie = 9 votes
  • Isaiah = 8 votes
  • Gazette = 4 votes
  • Ignacio = 3 votes
  • 2 votes each: Spike, Chanticlear, Zombie, Fuquay, Fluffy & Monday
  • 1 vote each: Quincy, Lamont, Shamont, Chiazoz, Madusa, Rocky, Cocky, Halibut, Bob and at least 160 others mentioned so far

Enough suggestions already! I say R&L need to either select a name or pick their top 5 to go into an OFFICIAL BALLOT and let's move ahead.

Here, here!!

Did you count multiple votes from me? I spoke favorably about Ignacio and Fuquay, and I suggested Chanticlear and Monday. Monday for the win!!


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