
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

[CLOSED] Let's name the GMM cockatrice! Leave your suggestions!

It was YOUR mythical suggestions that led to the terms "mythical beast" and the Kommunity mascot's name, "The Randler."  

Now, let's hear your ideas for what we should name the GMM cockatrice.  GO!


Lysh Fish has set up a ballot / poll for the name suggestions already posted in this discussion.

It allows only one vote per user and can be reached at: 


Thanks Lysa!  Post your poll results in this discussion on Sunday and we'll factor that in to our decision, okay?

I'll plan on CLOSING this discussion Sunday night (Sept 16th 2012), so let your voice be heard now!  Then, we'll announce our pick in an upcoming GMM episode...most likely next Friday's episode.


Views: 7537

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Replies to This Discussion

Both good names (I dont get it, explain? *is joking*)

Sir Charles the cockatrice. (like a sir)

You could of put both names in one comment, just sayin

Geoffery. It's like jeffery, but spelled like they do in the uk. Otherwise known as the wrong way.


Sir Gregory the Second





First of all, I think the Cockatrice just seems like a boy for some reason... Anyone with me? OKAY! Now for the names... I think Charles sounds neat and regal but Holt means forest and thats where the Cockatrice live right? Well here's the last one that I think has great potential! Sawyer has a nice sound to it! Comment your votes on these names!

1) Charles the Cockatrice

2) Holt the Cockatrice

3) Sawyer the Cockatrice

My ideas: Cucco, Axel, & Blaze

Rhym it up


Sir Quagmire III Cockatrice

Trick or Trice, cockaterrisa or Miceal Jackson.

stunflung the cockatrice! I think its perfect!!


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