
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

What if there was a Mythical Meetup in each state on the same day, just to meet other Beasts from your state? Obviously Rhett and Link could not go to them all, but if we decided on a place and time to meet, maybe Rhett and Link could announce it in a video so everyone would know. The meetup would have to take place in the middle of the state, and some of the teeny tiny states could probably just have one meetup for a few states. I don't know about other countries, maybe they could have meetups too.

MythiCon will be held in the U.S. on the third Saturday in August, which is the 17th.

. If you would like to suggest a location, just leave a comment, and you can check out all the official locations so far on the map that Gumbo made: http://batchgeo.com/map/6d47d99bc13fb7cdee0d62839da5181c


UPDATE: MythiCon will officially start at 1 p.m. Also, I need one person from each state to be a "state captain" of sorts. They would do two things:

-One, bring a sign so that any beasts could see it and know where to go;
-Keep the conversation running, making sure that everyone gets to meet each other;
-And bring a medium sized box. Everyone else can bring a little something for the mail boulder (really little, maybe 2" high?) Then the state leader would mail it to Rhett and Link. The leader doesn't have to be the person who suggested the location, although if that person wanted to they would have dibs on the position.

I hope all of you will attend MythiCon 2013 :D

My MythiCon poster

This discussion is now closed, more info will be coming for MythiCon 2014 soon:) Toodles!

Views: 11696


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I'm from Michigan. What do you think of the woodland mall or Rivertown mall. Maybe somewhere in Grand Rapids?
Rivertown Mall sounds good to me. I'll put it on the list, but if anyone objects or has a better idea, they can contact me, and I can change it.

This is what I made for Mythicon. I had trouble uploading it.

And I couldn't use my usual program [it keeps crashing :( ] So I had to use Google drawing which kind of sucks.



What if you don't know any MB's in your area? Well, ask your friends to watch their shows! And you can check out the Mythical Map!

Thanks Gumbo!

why are we limiting it to the US im from the UK and would freeking love this 

its not limited to the US. it is just that most people who watch them are from the US so its more likely to happen in the US than anywhere else. if u want to do it where u live get a leader and make it happen. that's how this works. find a leader, inform K-LA V. Landshark or myself and ur good to go once u know the details.

MATTOTAUR is now in charge of the UK-Mythicon Festival.  Everyone in England, Ireland, N. Ireland, Scotland, Wales and outlying islands (plus any nearby Eastern European countries who wish to travel) will meet at the Vaughn residence in Newport, Isle of Wight, at a TBD time in the very near future.  Just look for the huge crowd near the church. 


Matthew is buying the pizza!


St Thomas Of Canterbury R C Church
96 Pyle Street, Newport, PO30 1UH


That art is dope! Good job Marcus.

Haha, nice job Marcus. Everyone is doing a great job with the ideas for this :D

I think this would be awesome. I have never actually MET another Mythical Beast. I look for Mythical Shoes on other people when in the mall...so far nothing. So, if there was one in Alberta, I'd TOTALLY go!


LOL, I always look for mythical shoes too. No luck yet, but I did meet one beast who recognized my nilla wafer top hat necklace :)

Whenever I go places wearing one of my Rhett and Link shirts I always am hoping someone recognizes it. :D

A meetup for Phoenix, Arizona at Arrowhead mall please! Thank you!


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