
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Location:       Eat at National Place  (at Freedom Plaza)

Address:        1331 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20004

Website:        http://eatatnationalplace.com/

Your Host:     Victoria (Centauromadoose) and a co-host to be named

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I'll just throw it out there -- I live in the DC area! Anyone who lives within Washington, DC or in the metropolitan area of northern Virginia and southern Maryland can chime in here, even if it's just so we can get a head count of who might be interested.

Okay, well, looks like I might be heading up the planning for this after all...right now I think gauging interest is the best first step, so anyone who wants to participate needs to say something in here, or else it won't happen. In the event this gets enough interest for a real MythiCon get-together, I'd really like to have a co-host, so please chime in and volunteer!!

I think it would be cool to meet up on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, although the entire capital is going to be NUTS with tourists in July. But there's no food at the Lincoln Memorial itself.

My suggestion for eats is the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, which has a large food court space inside of it with a lot of options. It's on Pennsylvania Avenue, so it's a bit of a walk from the National Mall; if you're coming from the Smithsonian museums it's not bad, but if you're farther away at the Capitol or Lincoln Memorial, you should probably start walking before you're actually hungry. Just as a note, anyone entering the Ronald Reagan building MUST HAVE AN ID to get inside. There is a security checkpoint at the door.

added the RRB&ITC location to your meeting details . . . GO DC!

I would love this! Maryland and Northern Virginia Mythical beasts won't have to travel to far, and DC is only an hour away. I was dying to go last year and help, but my plans were foiled by the closest destination being 5 hours away. If this happens, I will and my mythical beast friends will be too.

Hooray, glad to hear some interest! Would you want to help with planning, too? (It's no problem if you don't, just checking.)

So how many Mythical Beast friends do you have? It'll be helpful to have an accurate count of participants, so then we'll definitely know if we'll keep moving forward with the DC Mythicon.

I only have 4 other Mythical Beast friends, and I can totally help with planning.

That's a good start! If you have any ideas for activities, when and where to meet, etc. just post them here. :)

Definitely interested, representing NOVA.

I just thought of another place that might be better than the Ronald Reagan International Building...there's the Eat at National Place food court, which doesn't require ID or a security check before you go in, so that might be more convenient for everyone.


I'm leaning toward this one, although I haven't actually been into it myself; it could potentially be busier in the summer since it's easier for people to access and not hidden inside a larger building. It's just a few blocks north of the Ronald Reagan food court, so the difference in proximity to the Mall is pretty small.

If anyone has preferences, please let me know!

Don't forget to print and bring your coupon for lunch.  http://eatatnationalplace.com/coupons/

Ooh, nice...I didn't even notice those!

Great idea!!!


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