
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

I haven't received the email to confirm myself to receive emails for the Mythical Monthly.  I keep refreshing my email AND checking every folder including the spam folder AND I keep repeatedly trying to sign up using the link rhettandlink.com/mythicalmonthly . Can anyone help??

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I also tried to sign up about 4 hours ago and have yet to receive my email confirmation message that will officially subscribe me to the newsletter. I have no idea why it isn't working or what to do about it, though. :/

thanks for your help!

Update: Still never received my original confirmation email, but I got tired of waiting and just went to sign up again. This time, I immediately received the confirmation email. So I guess if it didn't work for you yesterday, try again today!

They tweeted out that it may take up to 24 hours to receive the confirmation

About 30 minutes ago, I signed up and almost immediately received my confirmation email. I'm not sure why I had no trouble.

I signed up for Mythical Monthly as soon as it was announced on GMM, I got my confirmation. Since I have not received the newsletter & there should have been at least one issue. I tend my email at least twice a day, which includes checking & purging my spam. I tried to sign up again, but it says I'm already signed up. I'm not sure what to do to fix the issue. :/ - sorry if this is a bit off topic

Sorry to hear it's not working correctly. :( Luckily for you and others, they upload the newsletters to an online archive after it's sent out in email form. You can find the last 2 issues here for now: http://us14.campaign-archive1.com/home/?u=24a82f4a041c0842dc8134aa2...

Thank you so much :)


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