
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

I am super curious on what my mythical name should be and I want to know how some of you came up with yours?

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Just make it whatever you want. You can do anything!  My mythical name is from the R+L song "Space Junk".  But it doesn't even have to be related to Rhett and Link.

Just as James has already pointed out, it is whatever you choose it to be.  Many of your fellow Mythical Beasts (MBs) have created their Kommunity identity by combining several of their favorite things - - for instance, Sofia Mabble =P (Girawance) combined her favorite animal (giraffe) and color (blue) with her love of drawing and dancing.



By the way, there is already a discussion forum on this topic with over 120 responses, which should give you some good ideas about how others came up with their MB moniker. 


Thanx I didnt know that

Gumbo123 said:

Just as James has already pointed out, it is whatever you choose it to be.  Many of your fellow Mythical Beasts (MBs) have created their Kommunity identity by combining several of their favorite things - - for instance, Sofia Mabble =P (Girawance) combined her favorite animal (giraffe) and color (blue) with her love of drawing and dancing.



By the way, there is already a discussion forum on this topic with over 120 responses, which should give you some good ideas about how others came up with their MB moniker. 


A Manticore
I just chose my two favorite animals and put them together..
Thanx you guys for all your help I believe I have picked a name
At some point in my life I had a failed YouTube channel which had eternal puns and references to toast and toasters. Before it shut down I had plans to turn it 3D. I shortly realized my channel would be home to the first 3DimensionalToaster. Thus came my name.

ZeOrnCru= Zebra + Orange Crush (the drink not the song)!!:D


And I'm proud to say that I helped her by coming up with "Girawance"!!:D

Gumbo123 said:

Just as James has already pointed out, it is whatever you choose it to be.  Many of your fellow Mythical Beasts (MBs) have created their Kommunity identity by combining several of their favorite things - - for instance, Sofia Mabble =P (Girawance) combined her favorite animal (giraffe) and color (blue) with her love of drawing and dancing.



By the way, there is already a discussion forum on this topic with over 120 responses, which should give you some good ideas about how others came up with their MB moniker. 


My mythical name is ChenaLeo.


i still wanted my name in there but mispelled. so Chanel. like the perfume. But i wanted it more mispelled so i switched the A and E. so Chenal. and Leo is my zodiac so ..



I like monkeys so I made the (fankey) part in my name incorpirated with monkeys. And then I just decided to be creative and add a whole bunch of cool features to my mythical beast and somehow came up with gojo ^.^


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