
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Since the last one (KBE - - - > The Pose) was not so successful . . . let's give this one more try and see if the kommunity still supports these interactive activities.


Pictured above is my creation, the Gumbo Family Crest.  Leave a discription below of your mythical family shield and I will attempt to create one for you . . . no matter how rediculous, inane or absurd . . . so long as the contents are all in good taste and non-offensive.




The Gumbo family crest includes  name and motto (Go With Cheese) emblazened in gold over a purple shield with crossed mackeral and eye of the tiger fleur de lis.

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Wow, it's beautiful!
The Piesloth family crest features a sophisticated sloth sitting in a fancy red armchair. The background is a top view of a lemon supreme pie. The motto was written by the crest's creator, and it is in silver writing.
Not the one that's smoking, though! XD It is by complete and utter coincidence that I happened to describe that picture XD No, a more appropriate one please! No drugs! XD Good thing I Google Image searched it before it was too late! XD (Let's take a moment to appreciate the fact that there is not a single sentence in this comment that isn't punctuated with an XD)

Not to worry . . . it's obvious that your PieSloth is of the bubble pipe variety . . .

Thanks! XD You're right, he really does like fizzy drinks... I should've known..
Ah well XD

The Hedgicorn family crest would start with a giant purple flower as the backdrop with the name Hedgicorn on it and our motto "We will never grow up, and you can't make us" (A Hedgicorn is perpetually a baby). Finally under the family name there would be a baby hedgehog with a unicorn horn, rainbow spines and glitter on it.

Finding a rainbow-colored Hedgicorn was not too difficult, but getting him to hold still long enough to get the glitter on was another thing all together

Thank you so much it looks amazing!!!!

Pheasphants are elephants that have pheasant wings, a pheasant tail and a pheasant beak (under the trunk so they're usually inconspicuous). They have the ability to spray water (and fire) from their trunks. Unfortunately, they also vomit Swedish Fish from their trunks. They are kind of like whawks.

The Pheasphant crest would have a Pheasphant on it and it would be a shield that is black with orange, blue and green checkers. The Pheasphant would also be spraying water and Swedish Fish out of its trunk. The motto is "Nos vomitar pescado sueco" (Spanish for "We vomit Swedish Fish" (is that in "good taste"? I know Swedish fish taste good but still...)) and it will be the ground of the Pheasphant's (below it). The word "Pheasphant" should be above the Pheasphant.

I don't know if that'll be difficult or not. If it's too hard, you can get rid of unnecessary bits. If it's too easy, I'm sorry to doubt you, O mighty Gumbo.

I've just realised how much I've typed... I'm quite demanding, aren't I?


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