
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Today in school, my brain always dozes off to content in GMM.

1st period:

I have to tell my classmates about things that happened on my speech contest last week. Makes me feel like Rhett and Link hosting GMM.(no I'm not nervous, I love talking on stage)

2nd period:

We did some woodwork. We were given saws that look like the "weapon" that Rhett used to kill the Monkey-Snake in the sketch.

3rd period:

We talked about some mythical beasts and you know that when a GMM fan hears "mythical beast", they'll think about Rhett and Link.

4th period:

We came across the number 800 and I couldn't stop thinking about "Stickerman" aka Link.


We had hot sour soup, makes me think of the soup episode of GMM.

5th period:

Although Chinese has nothing to do with GMM, but my teacher said something about the Chines people making gunpowder "accidentally", my brain started singing, "In the year 700.... AD~"

6th period: 

My teacher told us about how difficult it is to do things with our feet and my mind went to an episode of GMM.

7th period:

PE is fun, we did basketball and this made me think of the 800 trickshots.

And now it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality!

Comment below of your mythical day! :)

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