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Tell your most awkward moment.

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MIne was when i was trying on something in a dressing room a Kohls or something and i was singing for some reason. And the cleaning ladie was right behind the door and after I was done I stepped out and she stared at me with a blank look on her face. I was a little boy.
once, in class, a friend of mine came in late (for the 100th time) and the teacher started asking why he was late and so on and so forth eventually this began to sound like an old married couple, so out of nowhere i said (in what i thought was a somewhat quiet voice) "are you two going to get a divorce?" apparently i didn't say as quietly as i thought, every one heard and looked directly at me, i tried to laugh it off but that just made it worse. FML
I am not sure what my absolute worst moment was but I still blush when I think about one time when I tried to tell a joke to a comedian. I was in my early teens and had just seen a comedy duo perform and was going back to their merch table to see what they had. My sister was with me and one of the comedians was talking to us and asked me a question. For some reason I felt this was the perfect opportunity for a joke to impress the comedian (bad idea). The problem was I didn't have a punch line figured out before I responded and ended up looking really stupid and lame. It was obvious I was attempting to be funny and that just made it worst. Ouch...
In celebration of awkwardness, you should check out this site: http://awkwardfamilyphotos.com/
Once again another old thread.

One of many of my most awkward moments was when I was at a Christmas party for Holiday Inn. I went to the bathroom and as I returned to my seat I had to walk across the dance floor. Needless to say there was not anyone dancing. So as I paraded across the dance floor back to my seat everyone was laughing. Little did I know I had a two foot piece of toilet paper snaged on the bottom of my high heel shoe.


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