
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Okay, so for all you people out there, what types of things that have to do with memotization and repetitivity do you know? Examples, instruments, languages, pi, cooking/recipes, measurements, periodic table, breeds of animals, types of plants, laws, and so on! and if you play instruments or sing, do/can you read sheet music or do you do all that stuff by ear?
I know all the elements of the periodic table but can only recite the first 40 in order. Its my goal to learn as many languages and instruments as i can (currently working on swedish, norwegian and german and piano, guitar, singing and saxophone(i know how to play clarinet well)), I can memorize all the words to almost any song in under 2 hours and have it stay with me. I'm really tired right now so if I think of any more (probably wont though...) i will post it... Now i'm off to visit the land of make-believe, snoozy lane, la la land, awaiting a visit from the sandman... Whatever you want to call it, good night, gute nacht, god natt, buenos noches, etc... 

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I'm the human recording device at my house. We don't use a grocery list, my parents just tell me what we need and whenever they ask, I can rattle it off, no problem. Once I don't need it, it's gone, though.


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