Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!
Collect them all!
Trade with your Kommunity friends and neighbors
Front of Card:
Photo - - do you want to use your profile pic or point me to another?
Any interesting quote or funny saying you would like to use (please reference author if known)
Back of Card:
Human Name:
Beast Name:
Birth Date:
Beast Date:
Beast Number: NOTE - - I will calculate this for you
Favorite Kommunity Group:
Favorite R&L Song / Video / Series:
Beastly Motto:
Sample Card:
I also created a wall banner that includes every one of these cards since the inception of the project. Presently, with over 150 cards, if printed out it would measure 32" wide X 164" long. Due to the NING website's upload size limitations, I can not share this as a photo upload but I can, however, link it as part of a discussion or blog comment, so . . .
HERE 'TIS! (click below for expanded view)
Photo Albums:
There is a 100 picture per album max limit.
This issue has been corrected by the addition of a second album.
sure, Eddie - - just get me somewhere "in the neighborhood" and I can find it for you - - btw, already researched yours and you joined the Kommunity on 12/29/2010 (MB #012520)
Eddie (Jedi Monk) said:Is there a way to find out your exact beast date if you don't remember because I could tell you the month and what week but I can't remember the exact day.
human name: Kazuko Murakami
Beast name: The Jade Ninja
birth date: september 29th, 1996
beast date: January 16th, 2011
beast number: taken care of :D
favorite kommunity group: ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
favorite R&L song/ video/ series: Good Morning Chia Lincoln
beastly motto: flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. -Douglas Adams
front quote: The angels have the phone box. -Doctor Who
Front of Card:
Photo Profile Pic
√-1 23
... and it was delicious! (Just ask if you want to Know what it means gumbo) it was made by my math team coach Mr. Bannon.
Back of Card:
Human Name: Eddie
Beast Name: Jedi Monk
Birth Date:12/29/94
Beast Date: 12/29/10
Beast Number: 12520
Favorite Kommunity Group: Tim Hawkins Fans
Favorite R&L Song / Video / Series: Hoover Dam/Epic Gun Battle /Seaborne & Roach
Beastly Motto: I love Local Comercials!
Loving the quote from Coach Bannon . . .
√-1 23
= i 8 sum pi = "I ate some pie . . . and it was delicious!"
name; unknown, beast name;seamonkey, birth;09/05/97,beastdate;dnt know,group;craftycritters,rlsong;thecrayoncolorsong,beastlymotto;wen life just feels like a big wehgee just take off ur pants and dance; flying is simple, just throw ur self at the ground and miss
Front of Card:
-Current Photo
-"Not all treasure is silver and gold, amte." -Captin Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp)
Human Name: Madison
Beast Name: Madison(ZeOrnCru)
Birth Date: 06/20/1997
Beast Date: Don't know, sorry!!
Beast Number: 11,696 I think
Favorite Kommunity Group: The (Unofficial) Welcome Kommittee
Favorite R&L Song / Video / Series: Men Who Can't Pee 1&2 / The Alka Seltzer Great American Road Trip
Beastly Motto: "Hey, you up for some Star Trek?" -Scott(ThunderFalconDragon)
Front of Card:
Photo - Current photo
Quote - "Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling."
Back of Card:
Human Name: Ellie Ojeda
Beast Name: Sun Dog
Birth Date: 9/18/1998
Beast Date: 6/21/2011
Beast Number: NOTE - - I will calculate this for you
Favorite Kommunity Group: The (Unofficial) Welcome Kommittee
Favorite R&L Song / Video / Series: Live On The Internet / Epic Gun Battle / Surrogate Sharers
Beastly Motto: Life is good .. the cereal I mean.
Front of card:
current photo
words can only hurt you if you try to read them. Dont play their game!!
Back of card
Human name: Natalie
Beast name: Natalie
Birth Date: 02/19/98
Beast Date: 05/31/11
Beast Number: gumbo!!
Favorite Kommunity group: Mythical Skypers
Favorite R&L song: Epic Rap Battle
Favorite R&L video: Epic Gun Battle
Favorite R&L Series: Good Morning Chia Lincoln
Beastly Motto: Friends are like snowflakes, if you pee on them they go away.
Human Name: Christine Hostovsky
Beast Name: Chukwa (chukka)
Birth Date: 3rd November 1995
Beast Date: 5th of January 2011
Beast Number: NOTE - - Gumbo will calculate this for me (oh, I feel so special :D)
Favourite Kommunity Group: GMCL Fans
Favourite R&L Song / Video / Series: quite a fan of Epic Rap Battle myself.
Beastly Motto: You learn something new every time you do something insanely stupid.
Random doobily doo on front: Beast, beastily and beastilicious
(p.s.: yes, I did change the spelling form 'favorite' to 'favourite'. I'm cool like that.
Human Name: Shanelka Barboan
Beast Name:ChenaLeo
Birth Date:07/24/1992
Beast Date: (how do I find where I first joined the Kommunity?)
Beast Number: NOTE - - I will calculate this for you
Favorite Kommunity Group: none
Favorite R&L Song / Video / Series: I wanna be your maine man/all/all'
Beastly Motto: I'm brushing up on looking down, I'm working on my roar.
human name: Emily Cox
beast name: Emily Lamont (ninjasquid)
birth date: 4/3/99
beast date: 2/28/11
beast number: #14067
fave komm group: Link Neal Fans (sorry Rhett)
fave r&l song/ series: Maine Man Song~ GMCL
Beastly motto: It doesn't matter what other people think of you, all that matters is what you think of yourself.
human name: Emily Atwood
beast name:Emily (quazarizemakof)
birth date: 10-07-??
beast date: 03-11-2011
beast number:
favorite komm group: harry potter fans
favorite r&l song: my favorite pillow/ video: t shirt war
beastly motto: "dont let life give you lemons and dont make lemonade; MAKE LIFE TAKE THEM BACK!!!"
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