Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!
Collect them all!
Trade with your Kommunity friends and neighbors
Front of Card:
Photo - - do you want to use your profile pic or point me to another?
Any interesting quote or funny saying you would like to use (please reference author if known)
Back of Card:
Human Name:
Beast Name:
Birth Date:
Beast Date:
Beast Number: NOTE - - I will calculate this for you
Favorite Kommunity Group:
Favorite R&L Song / Video / Series:
Beastly Motto:
Sample Card:
I also created a wall banner that includes every one of these cards since the inception of the project. Presently, with over 150 cards, if printed out it would measure 32" wide X 164" long. Due to the NING website's upload size limitations, I can not share this as a photo upload but I can, however, link it as part of a discussion or blog comment, so . . .
HERE 'TIS! (click below for expanded view)
Photo Albums:
There is a 100 picture per album max limit.
This issue has been corrected by the addition of a second album.
Front Quote: Well, it's better than it was
Human Name: Mya Schenk
Beast Name: The Galumphing Cephalopod
Birth Date: 1/7/77
Beast Date: 3/16/10
Beast Number: I'll leave it to ya!
Favorite Group: Great American Road Trip
Favorite R&L Song: Phatdippin Rap
Beastly Motto: It's too logical not to be mythical
PRAISE BE!!!! I thought I was the only one who was NOT 15 on this site.. LOL I was born in 81'
nope, a few of us are a little
a lot
exceedingly older than 15
Saying on Front: Who ever said addlib was a bad thing has never truely acted.
Human Name: Jaci Rhoderick
Beast Name: TheBananaThatMoos
Birthdate: September 27, 1994
Beast Date: *i don't know when*
Beast Number: *NA*
Favorite Kommunuity Group: GMCL Fans
Favorite R&L Song/video/series/: In the 80's, Link's Broken Pelvis, Alka-Selter Great American Road Trip.
Beastly Motto: I may Moo a lot, but that doesn't mean I have ADHD like a co-Oh a butterfly!
human name:Noah WIlliams
beast name: Noah (DephTron) WIlliams
Birthdate: July,10,1997
Beast Date: October, 3rd,2010
Beast# TBD by gumbo
Favorite R&L song: epic rap battle
Beastly Motto: Just because you lose once doesnt mean you wont win the next time never give up !
Front of Card:
"Be nice to nerds...chances are you'll end up working for one"
Back of Card:
Human Name: Michael
Beast Name: 3DimensionalToaster
Birth Date: 14/07/1997
Beast Date: Don't know...Sorry
Beast Number: NOTE - - I will calculate this for you
Favorite Kommunity Group: Writers
Favorite R&L Song / Video / Series: T-Shirt War
Beastly Motto: At least your a beast
Front Quote: "Revenge is mine thus sayeth the hologram!" -Sam
Human Name: Jessica Vasquez
Beast Name: Swamp Chicken
Birth Date: 6/6/1995
Beast Date: I think April 3rd 2011?
Beast Number: NOTE - - I will calculate this for you
Favorite Kommunity Group: Tim Hawkins Fans
Favorite R&L Song / Video / Series: LOST-Answers (song parody)
Beastly Motto: "Roast Chicken?"
Front Quote: "Take a chance, eat the pizza."
Human Name: Jacob Vasquez
Beast Name: Fluffy White Dino
Birth Date: 10/29/96
Beast Date: April 3rd 2011??
Beast Number: NOTE - - I will calculate this for you
Favorite Kommunity Group: Tim Hawkins Fans
Favorite R&L Song / Video / Series: Epic Rap Battle
Beastly Motto: "Through the fire and flames, we carry on."
Is there a way to find out your exact beast date if you don't remember because I could tell you the month and what week but I can't remember the exact day.
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