
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

I want to know what everyone's favorites of everything are!
You can tell me your favorites of anything, but I definitely want to know your favorite rhett and link song/video, color, animal and sports car!
I dont have a favorite rhett and link song/video, my favorite color is purple,  my favorite animals are foxes and rabbits,and my favorite sports cars are porsches and  the saleen s7 twin turbo (its fast and pretty!!)!! My favorite instrument is a violin, season-fall,  drink-virgin piña colada...

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Rhett and Link song: it's a draw between the new Epic Rap Battle Nerd vs. Geek and I Wanna Be Your Maine Man
Rhett and Link video: the Sleep Tight music video and the Out Of Sink video because it was the first non-music video I saw and was the reason I looked for more of their videos
Colour: aqua
Animal: African Wild Dog, Great Dane and Red Fox
Sports car: probably the Porsche 911
TV show: does GMM count if I watch it on the TV?
Band/musician: lately I really only listen to music from YouTubers like Rhett and Link, Toby Turner, Jack Douglass and Shane Dawson
Song: the first one that comes to mind is Drops Of Jupiter by Train
Hobbies: drawing, writing, playing with my dog or rabbits
Disney movie: Lilo and Stitch

Thanks Gumbo that looks awesome

Fav R/L song: Epic Rap Battle of Manliness
Fav Animal: Wolf
Fav Mythical Animal: Dragon
Fav Colour: Black
Fav Sports car: I'm more into bikes - Easy Riders!!!
Fav Drink: Magners Irish Cider
Fav band: Therapy? Irish punk/rock/metal (the question mark is in their name)
Fav Movie: High Fidelity
Fav Superhero: Batman

Absolutely Awesome, cheers Gumbo :)

Fav R/L song: I don't really have one, but I am very fond of Space Junk. It's very good. :D
Fav Animal: Cat,  horse, or dolphin
Fav Mythical Animal:  Unicorn
Fav Colour: Purple
Fav Sports car:  Not much of a car person prefer trains
Fav Drink: Milk ;)
Fav band: I dont know, I kinda like 1D. 
Fav Movie:  Any Disney movie, but I absolutly love Tangled.
Fav Superhero: Captain America

Fave College: BYU-I

Fave R&L video: I have no idea. but any of the really old ones make me feel good. 

Rhett or Link? You can't have one with out the other? Can you?

Fav TV Show?  Mythbusters or Psych. 

Fav instrument? Piano, guitar, or flute.

Sorry, but couldn't find enough room to squeeze in a piano at the end.

Aw! Too cool! Thanks so much!

Welll my favorite Rhett and Link song/video would have to be the Facebook song, it never gets old, and I show it to ALL my friends
My favorite colour in the woorld is green. I have a whole tumblr blog dedicated to the lovely colour.

Favorite animal, definitely the rabbit

Car, I love the Mercedes SLC, I actually own a 1981 Mercedes 450 SLC in a lovely blue colour, although it's on the other side of the country at the moment

Favorite band is the Hoosiers!! Favorite song by them at the moment would have to be Clinging on for Life.

Sport- Cheerleading

Move- SUPERSTAR! hehe 

TV program, Bobs Burgers. I used to hate it when I first saw it but i love it :)

I guess I should probably stop there :)

Oh my gosh that is beyond awesome! <3 thank yoou!


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